"Bitch, Felix is mine." (Jeonglix) (7)

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Ship: Jeongin x Felix
Genre: ??

"Hyung, who is that boy with the strawberry blonde hair?" Jeongin pointed, Chan widened his eyes. "Felix is back!" Chan rushed over to who Innie was asking about. The younger looked at the two blondes. Chris probably knows him from Australia or something Jeongin thought. He seemed right as the two shared hugs. Seungmin came out of nowhere and hung his arms around Jeongin's shoulders.

"That's Chan's old boyfriend from Sydney. His name is Lee Felix. I'm pretty sure they broke up because of the long distance." Seungmin informed the younger who was probably clueless as hell on what was happening. "Old boyfriend?! Awh, he looked cute. Thought I could've had him for myself." Jeongin pouted. Seungmin just chuckled, "I mean, if you get to him first. But it seems like that's not gonna happen since Chan is already giving him kissed on the cheeks."

Jeongin thought for a second, "What If I give Chan hyung 20 bucks for Felix?". The older of the two snorted. "You think Chan is going to give you Felix for 20 dollars? He's gonna want a trillion for Felix which you don't have." Seungmin rolled his eyes at the younger. Jeongin just scoffed, "Fine. I'll make him fall inlove with me then." Jeongin shook his head aggressively making Seungmin snort at the younger's actions.

"Good luck with that. You'll need it." Seungmin ruffled Jeongin's hair before leaving to his other friends who were waiting at the school's front gates to skip class. Jeongin groans, maybe a deal with Felix will do the trick. The younger male thought. Fixing his hair in the window before heading over to the two australians. "Chan hyung! You didn't tell me you had a friend that joined the school!" Jeongin hooked his arms with Chan's.

"Sorry Jeonginnie." Chan apologized. Felix looked at the brown haired male who Chan didn't introduce to him. The younger australian held his hand out, "hi! I'm Felix! Lee Felix.". Jeongin shook it, suprised at the elder's voice that did not match with his face. Jeongin just fell inlove even more. Very cute. Deep voice. And small cute hands. Jeongin kept mental notes. "Hello, I'm Yang Jeongin! Hope we could be great friends!" The youngest greeted himself.

"Ah, well nice to meet you!" Felix smiled, making Jeongin stare for a bit. Getting out of his trance after a few seconds, making this noticed by Chan very much. While Felix was oblivious the whole time and just smiled. Luckily for the eldest of the three, the school bell rang. "C'mon Lix, we both have Mathematics so I'll lead the way." Chan said. His hand connecting with Felix's. "Okay! Bye Jeonginnie!" Felix waved goodbye. Chan throwing the youngest daggers before dragging Felix to class.

Jeongin just melted on the stop, "He called me Jeonginnie!" The other students avoided the love struck young boy and went to class. Seungmin having to carry Jeongin to class since the younger was just standing in the middle of the cafeteria daydreaming about the younger australian. "Let's go, little one." Seungmin threw Jeongin over his shoulder as the younger demanded to be put down but Seungmin just rolled his eyes. Ignoring Jeongin and heading to their shared class.

"Glad you made it to class on time for once, kiddos." Ms. Kang crossed her arms over her chest. Not suprised that Jeonging was over Seungmin's shoulder. Starting the lesson withouth the students who didn't make it to class. Seungmin plopped Jeonging on his chair and sat beside him. Taking his notes out, Jeongin doing the same. "Why does History have to be so boring.." Jeonging murmured, resting his chin on his palm. Probably thinking about Felix again.

"Mr. Yang. Do you have anything better to than study?" The history teacher scowled, getting fed up by her student's behaviors these past few days. "Actually yes, so If you don't mind. I'm gonna go pay Mr. Xiu a visit." Jeongin got out of his seat and put his stuff away. "But you don't have Math class in two hours, young man." Ms. Kang sighed. Not wanting to deal with the disruptive student who was skipping class for another. You don't see that everyday, that's for sure.

Seungmin glaring at the younger, bowing to the teacher for how Jeongin was acting. "I'm sorry Ms. Kang on Jeongin's behalf." Seungmin apologized. "At least I have one student who respects me." The female teacher mumbled before continuing the lesson. Not noticing that Jeongin has already left. Seungmin sulking st his desk, why does he get to skip without getting in trouble and I'm the one who gets in detention.

Jeongin went to go find the mathematics class, wanting to make sure Chan wasn't making any moves already. Knowing that his hyung was onto him so he had to be extra careful. After a couple minutes the male was outside the door, taking a peak through the door window. Getting a good view of Felix's side profile. Which still made him look adorable, but Chris made the image worse in Jeongin's head. Chan currently had his hand rubbing Felix's thigh, Jeongin noticing the discomfort on his crush's face.

Jeongin opened the door, having all the students in the class put their attention him. Making him slightly more anxious then behind the door. "Good morning, Mr. Xiu. The principal wanted me to take Felix to him. Something about a mixup or something like that." Jeongin smiled. Feeling satisfied with his acting skills as Mr. Xiu nodded. "Sorry for interrupting class time." The male bowed. "It's fine, Mr. Yang. Felix you are dismissed." The math teacher smiled.

Jeongin smirked as he saw Chan's facial expression, "Sir, do you think I could take Felix so Jeongin doesn't miss class time?". Mr. Xiu rose his eyebrow, "Thank you Chan for the recommendation but Jeongin's a smart kid. He'll catch up." The male teacher smiled before informing the student's about the new test coming up. Felix waved at Jeongin, "Lead the way.". Jeongin chuckled awkwardly, "uh, they didn't actually need you. I just wanted to skip and passed by you guys and saw how uncomfortable you looked." Jeongin lied, part of it being true although.

"Oh. Thanks Innie." Felix smiled, Jeongin having to cover his cheeks so the elder won't notice the pink tinted on his cheeks. Jeongin grabbed a hold of Felix's hand and lead them to the rooftop. The younger luckily brought his backpack and didn't leave it in class. A bunch of stuff the two could do so they weren't bored on the rooftop.

"Oh wow. It feels nice out here." Felix smiled, holding his arms in the air. The wind peacefully blowing Felix's hair, along with Jeongin. Making the younger's sight blocked by his hair, "Augh! I can't see, I can't see. I'm legally blind!" Jeongin panicked. Lix chuckling at the idiotic kid behind him. Moving the younger's bangs out of his face, Jeongin slightly blushing at how close the two were.

Taking all his energy to not fuck the shit out of his hyung. It's only been an hour you dumbass! Jeongin scolded himself. Just hugging instead, Felix getting caught by suprise but hugging back nonetheless. Leaning his head on the younger's shoulder, the weather calming down.  "Mm, I feel like I've known you my entire life." Felix mumbled into the younger's shoulder.

Jeongin was going to say something but was interrupted by a certain older brown haired man.

"What do you think you're doing, Yang." Chan scoffed at the position the two younger males were in. Jeongin clicked his tongue, keeping his arms around the cute australian. "Why is it any of your business!" The youngest snapped, covering Felix's so the older wouldn't have to listen to his loud yelling. "He's my boyfriend for fuck's sakes!" Chan stormed up to them and grabbed a hold of Felix's wrist.

Felix just rolled his eyes and let the two bicker and pull at his arms. Sighing, before humming some song he heard on the radio earlier. Ignoring the males who were fighing over him, pulling his wrists away from them. "Jesus. You guys are like five year old kids." Felix mumbled. His body being pulled to the younger's chest. Chris just whined, stomping his feet on the concrete.

"Why can't I see my old boyfriend that I haven't seen in three years! Just as friends!" Chan pouted. Jeongin still holding onto his hyung, sticking his tongue out and carried Felix to the door back inside the school.

"Bitch, Felix is mine."

1426 words

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