Your Fault (Minlix) (5)

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Ship: Minho x Felix
Genre: Angst

"How was work, Minho hyung?" Felix set down Minho's food down infront of him. Minho just grunted, "Do we have to talk about this all the damn time?! My body feels like crap, happy?". Felix put his head down, "sorry.". Felix went to the kitchen to finish the dishes. Wiping the sweat that was on his forehead.

"Appa..?" Yujin came down and rubbed his eyes. Minho looked at the stairs and saw his son walking towards him with a blanket and a teddy in his right arm. "Felix. I can't deal with you right now. If you weren't so loud Yujin could've still been sleeping." Minho got out of his seat and took Yujin into his arms.

"C'mon bud, let's sleep in my room. Mommy will sleep in the living room." Minho told Yujin. Walking to their bedroom and closing it shut. Felix felt a tear fall down his face. He finished doing the dishes and went to the living room. Plopping on the couch, while crying himself to sleep.


"Fuck!" Felix woke up from Minho's loud yelling. Rubbing his eyes to properly see while looking at his husband. "What's wrong?" Felix asked. Minho just scowled, "I'm late to work! You forgot to set my alarm! It's your fault!" Lix formed a frown on his face. Minho walked out and slammed the door shut.

"Mommy! I'm ready for school!" Yujin smiled, his backpack secured on him. Felix smiled back at his son, getting up and putting on his Nike sandals. Picking Yujin up in his arms and into the car. Felix drove over to the elementary school that wasn't so far and dropped off the younger boy.

They both waved goodbye to each other before leaving. Felix just drove back home, not feeling like doing anything but the house was still a mess. He picked up the living room, his and Minho's room, and the dining room. Cleaning and scrubbing of the stains in the kitchen.

After what seemed like hours Felix finally finished cleaning up. He didn't feel like cooking so he went to go get some take out. Grabbing dumplings for Minho, Ramen for him, and he would make chicken dinosaurs for Yujin. After finishing that up, he went to go get Yujin from school.

"Hey, bubs. How was school?" Felix asked, pulling out of the school's parking lot. He heard his son grumble, "I got bullied again. Why couldn't you be a girl!" Yujin yelled. Felix bit his bottom lip in guilt, "I can't change my gender baby."

"Well then you shouldn't have met appa! I would've had normal parents if it weren't for you!" Yujin screamed, stomping his feet on Felix's seat. Lix just sighed, holding back his tears from falling. Not bothering to stop Yujin's tantrum this time.

After a couple minutes they made it at the house. Yujin immediately hopping out of the car, forgetting to close the door. Felix grunted, closing both car doors and entering his house. His back aching from the kicks Yujin has been giving to the seat.

"Yujin! Food is ready!" Felix exclaimed, ruffling his messy hair. Seeing his son tripping over his own feet down the stairs, Yujin's mood going up at his food. He smiled, getting situated before taking a bite and playing with his food. Felix hearing Minho's keys fumble behind the door.

Felix looked down at his phone, getting V Live notifications. Finally hearing the door open, something was wrong with Minho though. Minho had a look that Felix hated, back in school Minho looked like this all the time. And it wasn't a good thing.

The australian grabbed ahold of Minho's arm and dragged him up to their shared room. Minho just glared at him. "What the fuck! What are you doing Felix!" Minho tore Lix's hand off of him and stared at him. "Jesus christ. What the hell do you need?"

"Did you cheat on me?" Felix mumbled, Minho now silent and his lips in a straight line. "It's not my fault!" Minho tried defending himself. Felix crossed his arms. "The who's fault is it?!" The younger yelled, throwing his arms in the air with anger.

"It's your damn fault! It always is! I don't love you anymore. This whole marriage is ruined because of you!" Minho finally broke, and told Felix the truth. The australian looked broken, his tears finally flooding out. Felix slapped Minho before storming out the house. Not forgetting to throw his wedding ring at Minho's face.

Also not forgetting to give Yujin a quick kiss on the cheek, bending down to the 6 year old's level. "Yujin, for now you're gonna stay with your appa. If he does something wrong kick his butt for me." Felix held his son's hands. The little boy laughing at the word butt. "Okay! Love you mommy!" He threw his arms over Felix's shoulders.

"Love you too, baby." Felix gave another kiss to Yujin on the forehead before leaving. He went to the bridge that was pretty high up. Remembering memories with him and Minho, this was where they held their first date in high school.

"C'mon, babe. Look at the pretty river, not as pretty as you though." Minho flirted, not forgetting to wink. Felix was as red as a tomato, not knowing where Minho got his flirty ways. The elder interlocking his and Felix's hands together. They looked over the river, the ripples becoming satisfying.

Minho brought his hand over to Felix's waist, leaning in for a kiss. Felix smiled into it, finally happy that he found true love.

Felix smiled at the refresher. What ever went wrong? They were the perfect cliche couple back in the days, he just didn't know what happened to them. They rarely got into any fights, their financial related stuff weren't so bad, and Yujin made everything better (until he threw his little fits)

The australian hopped onto the railing, looking at the satisfying ripples again. How they were so consuming, wanting them to suck him in there. After a few seconds, pleasing their needs. Finally giving into the movements the water was making.

Smiling one last time before pounding into the ocean.


1043 words

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