University Party (Minlix) (14)

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Ship: Lee Minho & Lee Felix
Genre: ?Smut¿
Not requested

The university's jock of the school, Seo Changbin, was having a party in his dorm. Which Minho wanted to go since his teammate was hosting it.

"Hey, Sung. You wanna go to a party with me?" Minho asked his dormate. The younger male of the two jumped out of his seat. "Me? Go to a party? Really?" Jisung tilted his head. Minho nodded.

"Ever been to a party?" Minho crossed his arms. Jisung shook his head no. Not giving Minho any time to respond as he rushed into his room. Slamming his door shut.


Minho took a seat on one of the stools, waiting for Han to be done dressing up.

"Hurry up!" Jisung ran out of his room and shoved Minho out of their shared dorm. "Dude, slow down." Minho shoved the blonde boy's hands off his shoulder. Leading them both to Changbin's dorm.

Minho knocked gently, quite suprised at how much commotion was heard in such little time. The party starting only five minutes ago. The door opened by another teammate.

"Aye, glad you made it Minho. Come on in you two." The guy welcomed them in. Jisung in astonishment.

Minho feeling himself get used to the crowded areas and students rubbing against him. Minho looked over his shoulder and saw Jisung hiding in the corner, obviously not knowing what to do.

He stiffled a laugh before heading over to where the alcohol is.

(Don't drink kids)

He poured some in a red cup, taking a sip but immediately regretting it as soon as it reached the back of his throat. "Disgusting."

He set down his cup and just stuck with some soju. Looking around the room, nothing catching his interest. Some girls who were showing a bit much clevage caught his attention.

"If you're wanting to fuck a slut who's probably had sex with four guys tonight, she's the one." A purple haired boy came out of nowhere. Scooting Minho away from the table full of alcohol.

"And.. who are you?" Minho raised his eyebrow.

"Felix. Lee Felix."

"Oh, I'm Lee Minho."

The two males shook hands, feeling awkward afterwards. But right then, Minho took notice into Felix's features. He had very faint freckles, cherry red lips, which made you want to have against your own.

"Wanna dance?" The freckled boy offered, wanting to get away from the tense area.

Minho nodded, nothing better to do anyways. He set his drink down and the two boys went over to the spacious living room where everyone were dancing at.

They found a spot and flowed to the music, slow and sensual. Setting the mood.

Minho stood himself behind Felix, swaying his body to the music. Felix's back facing Minho, the elder resting his arms around Felix's waist.

Minho unintentionally thrusted gently against the younger's ass. Getting a muffled groan in return. "Minho, what are you doing.." Felix sighed, letting himself rest on the taller male's body.

"Mm, does it matter baby?" He muttered back. Letting his hands explore Felix's body.

"Minho, people could see." Felix mumbled.

"Let them see. For all I care they could watch me pound into your plump ass." Minho bit onto Felix's earlobe a bit. Enjoying the sinful sounds coming out of Felix's mouth.

The elder picked Felix up, letting his hands support the other boy's butt. Letting the younger wrap his arms around his shoulders.

He walked over to his dorm that was only a few blocks away.

Minho opened the door and closed it shut. Then slamming Felix against it as he connected their lips together.

Just as Minho thought, soft and addicting. He ran his tongue over Felix's top lip for entrance which he got. He let his tongue roam free in Felix's mouth.


Minho moved his mouth down onto Felix's neck, decorating some purple hickeys. Receiving barely audible moans from Felix. He grabbed Felix once again and walked them over to his bedroom. Plopping him onto the soft mattress.

He hovered over the freckled boy, discarding Felix's clothes. Feeling obsessed with his thighs already. He got on his knees and spreaded Felix's legs. He teased, poking his tongue in the younger's hole.

"M-minho, hurry up!" Felix ushered. Which resulted a slap on his ass.

"Don't raise your voice at me, baby."

Minho continued what he was doing, his tongue eventually finding his way into Felix's ass a little deeper. Causing Felix to press down on Minho's face.


"Please what?"

"Please fuck me."

Those were the only words Minho needed to hear. Slipping his clothes off, grabbing some lube that was in his drawer.

"Do you just have lube laying around like it's normal?" Felix asked. Minho nodded, "Never know when it's gonna happen." He shrugged his shoulders.

He stroked his cock before putting the tip at Felix's enterance. Making the younger tremble already. Minho pushed some of it in.

Felix tried to breathe as Minho pushed fully  inside of him. He closed his eyes, leaving soft sighs here and there. It hurt a little more than what was expected. He twitched as the burning sensation lingered.

Minho stood there, watching felix try to get confortable.

"You c-can move.."

Minho pulled back before pushing in again. Felix let out a whimper as he felt his hole get filled.

"You're so tight, baby." Minho grunted.

He gained some speed as the younger boy felt adrenaline rush through his body. Felix moaned loudly, arching his back upwards.

Minho felt himself gain more pleasure, he set one of Felix's legs on his shoulder. Hitting deeper. Brushing Felix's sweet spot with each thrust. Felix let out a loud, shaky moan as he felt his body edge closer to his climax.

"Ngh. Fuck, daddy..¡"

Minho felt himself get close at the name, going slightly faster than earlier, pounding into Felix. His hands traveling all over Felix's body, from his thighs to his waist. Taking in every inch of him. Felix felt precum drip out of his tip as Minho slammed into him.

"Harder¡ I'm close.."

Felixs eyes rolled back as his mouth fell agape, minho started to thrust harder. Pounding into the smaller boy aggressively. Felix felt himself chase his high, Minho as well.

Minho ran his fingers through Felix's hair, stopping to pull on it. With that, Felix came abruptly with a long, shaky moan. He released over himself.

Shaking and trembling. He rode it out to the feeling of Minho filling him up.

Minho rode out his high as Felix began to get sensitive. Once it was over, Minho slowly pulled out of Felix. Once he pulled out, he started to clean both themselves up. He gave Felix a pair of clean boxers and his hoodie which made Felix look smaller then he really was.

He helped Felix get back on his feet, holding him by the waist as Felix complained about how sore he was.

Minho walked Felix back to his dorm, they passed some students who were staring at them. Probably knew what was happening from the loud noises coming out of Minho's dorm.


Jisung stood there traumatized.

"I just wanted to go to sleep—"

1197 words

It took me a day to write this because of how much I cringed. Anyways, remember to  request stuff in the comment section!

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