Stood Up (Jilix) (12)

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Ship: Han Jisung x Lee Felix
Genre: ??
Not requested

"Hey, sung. You think you could take over my shift? I gotta study for finals and this café is busy as hell so I can't do it in between orders." Jeongin smooshed his hands together, hoping the elder would agree. Which he did.

"Sure. I don't think I have anything going on today." Jisung smiled. Getting back to a customer's order. Jeongin changed out of his work clothes and stormed out of the café. Not forgetting to yell a 'thanks' to Han.


Hyunjin shoved Felix into his bedroom, "I'm picking your outfit since your style sucks!" Felix gasped, obviously offended of the taller's choice of words. "No it doesn't! And we're just going to the amusement park."

Felix huffed, letting himself be thrown on the soft mattress. Curious as Hyunjin was making a lot of commotion with the hangers. The australian got up and pushed the elder away. Getting out a red flanel and some jeans.

"You take too long." Felix walked in the bathroom. Changing into his fresh clean clothes. Hyunjin groaned.

"I was supposed to pick your outfit! A flanel is too basic." Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah." Lix headed over to the kitchen. Stuffing his face with food before he headed over to where they were supposed to meet.

"See you later, hyung!" Felix hollered before beginning his walk. The weather seemingly feeling a bit colder than what the weather man predicted.

Sunny day my ass.

The young aussie took put his phone, the time only being 3:24. Before Felix knew it, he already made it.

"I must be early." Lix mumbled to himself, taking a seat on the bench. Playing a stupid shooting game to pass the time.


"Wow. It's already six." Han shrugged. Wanting Changbin would come already to finish his shift so he could go relax at his apartment.

Lucky for Jisung, Changbin came in. "Hey, Jisung." The elder waved before setting his umbrella down. "Is it raining?" The younger boy tilted his head. Finally realizing the water that was pouring down from the sky.

"Mhm." Changbin hopped over the counter, putting his apron on. "Now get out of here. I don't need your annoying ass here." The shorter male huffed.

"Calm your geezers, bro." Han chuckled to himself. Pulling his hoodie over his head before exiting his work place. Waving his hyung bye before leaving.

"God. It's fucking freezing." Jisung shivered, rushing to his car.

He put the heater on immediately, feeling really cold from the rain. Starting the car and then leaving the parking lot. Putting BTS's Spring Day to set the mood.

"Young man, what are you doing sitting out here in the rain?" A random old man that was taking a walk. Felix sniffed, feeling somewhat sick. "I'm waiting for someone." Felix smiled, still unaware of how cold it was because of how numb he was feeling right now.

"I don't think they're coming. It's raining cats and dogs. And it's also gonna be seven." The elder man said. Handing Felix some money, "Take a bus home." He then left.

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