Gay Christian (Changlix) (8)

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Ship: Changbin & Felix
REQUESTED BY @_CrossGeneFlower_

"Felix, what did I say about being friends with kids who have gay dads, hm?" Mr. Lee questioned. Mrs. Lee joining her family in the kitchen. "Mm, to stay away from them?" Felix spoke with stars in his eyes, wanting to earn a compliment from his father. "Good job, kiddo! Now that Jeongin boy can't be your friend anymore." Felix's dad finished his coffee before giving his wife a quick peck.

"But Appa! Jeongin stook up for me from bullies. That would be mean..~!" Lix pouting, his two parents cooing about how cute their son looked. "Hunny, God never intended for the same gender to be together. Those lgbt people are not healthy, they need to go to the doctors." Mrs. Lee explained. Felix none the less listend to his mom and dad. Jaxon, Felix's dad. Pulled Paulina, Felix's mom into their bedroom.

"Because of what Felix told us about his friend's parents I think he should transfer schools. Aster christian school is not far from here." Jaxon crossed his arms, his wife nodding immediately. "I think so too. Those wronged people shouldn't be around my Lixie." Paulina sighed. "Than it's settled. I'll call both schools to inform what's going to happen." Mr. Lee left the bedroom and made phone calls.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Kate hollered, Felix hopping off his seat to hug his older sister. "You took so long at school, sissyyy!~" Felix whined. His sister just rolled her eyes, shoving him off her body. "Get off." She muttered before going to her room. Felix just went back to his seat to finish his dinosaur nuggets. "Yummy!" He giggled.


"Lixie, wake up. It's your first day at your nee school!" His mother exclaimed. Felix rubbed his eyes before going to his closet to find some clothes to wear. "Mommy! I can't find any nice clothes! And my PJ masks shirt is in the washing machine." Felix stomped his feet. Paulina grabbing the boy into her arms, "Sweetie. You are gonna have to wear a uniform. Outfits are going to be worn outside of school."

Felix whined but put on his new school clothes. Grabbing his woody backpack which was also replaced with a plain white backpack his mother gave him. "Awh! My beautiful son is ready for his first day of first grade at his new school!" Paulina cooed. Lix just huffed, not liking anything he was wearing. His mother even styled his hair.

Paulina walked Felix to the bus that was waiting outside. "Love you, baby. Have a nice day at school." She pecked his forehead. Felix just going in the bus. Skipping over to a seat where another adorable boy was sitting at. "Hi! I'm Felix!" He greeted, giving the other boy an opened smile. "Oh, hello! My name is Hyunjin!" Hyunjin smiled back.

The two asking each other questions the way back to the school. "Hm. What do you wanna do when you grow up!" Hyunjin questioned. Felix rose his eyebrow, "I don't know. My appa wants me to be a priest. Just like his appa." Hyunjin blew a raspberry, "That's so boring! I want to be a race car driver when I grow up." The older boy started making car noises making Felix laugh a little.

"Maybe I want to be a model!" Felix exclaimed, putting his palms on the side of his head as he was posing. Making Hyunjin giggle at him. The two boys laughing barely noticing that they made it to the school. "Hurry up you rascals!" The bus driver gritted his teeth. Making Felix and Hyunjin rush out in fear. They bumped into some students on the bus but they couldn't care less.

"Phew. Glad we got away, anywho. Which teacher do you have next, Lix?"


"Mommy! I made two new friends today!" Felix smiled. His mother grabbed his hand, heading to the car. "Good job! What are their names?" Mrs. Lee asked, feeling quite happy that her son wasn't lonely at school. "Hyunjin and uhh I think his name was.. Eric?" Lix rose his eyebrow. Paulina pat his head, setting Felix in his car seat.

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