Jealous Boyfriend (Chanlix) (10)

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Ship: Chan & Felix
Genre: Smut
Smut warning! If you dislike sexual scenes, I suggest you do not read.

It was just a normal Thursday, the members working on their new choreo. Jeongin and Felix having a bit too much fun for Chan's liking. For their new song, Levanter. Sure, it was a calm song but the two kept making jokes, unknowingly flirting, a lot of touching. Chris was obviously the only one who noticed it since the members couldn't give one fuck about what Jeongin and Felix were doing.

Everybody was used to Jeongin clinging on one member everday. Monday was Seungmin, Tuesday was Woojin, Wednesday was Hyunjin, and now Thursday was Felix. Chan didn't like Jeongin that much, and Jeongin didn't like Chan either. The elder australian thinks the youngest is a hoe, honestly. But Jeongin couldn't care less.

"Lix hyung, can we watch a horror movie?" Jeongin jumps infront of Felix once they were done practicing the choreo. The elder of the two was hesitant, "Innie, you know how scared I get." Jeongin smirks. "That's the point." He mumbled to himself. He grabbed ahold of Felix's shoulders, "Its okay! I'll protect you!" Felix just nodded.

Meanwhile Chan had steam coming out of his ears, the whole group made over to the van. Chris made sure Felix was next to him in the second row, dude. jeongin, gO AWAY. Chan wanted to flick the maknae out of this car as he cuddled Felix's arm making Chan even more angrier than earlier.

Yongbok in this situation looked didn't know which way to go. Jeongin that's hugging his arm or Chan who was leaning on his shoulder. After ten more minutes Felix was finally free from the other two member's grip. That didn't last long as Jeongin went on his back. "Jeongin, Felix can't carry your fat ass here to the house." Seungmin shouted. The group laughing even Felix.

"I'm offended! I don't even eat that much, if we're gonna talk about other people's problems you should probably learn how to aim when your taking a piss before insulting me." Jeongin glared at Seungmin, the group laughing even harder than last time. "Damn  brat, if something else comes out of your mouth I'll fucking chop your dick off and shove it down your throat." Seungmin insulted making Jeongin zip his mouth closed.

"On we go!" Jeongin exclaimed, tightening his grip on Felix. Chan eventually coming over and yanking the maknae of his boyfriend's back. Throwing Felix over his shoulder as he angrily stomped over to the dorm. Jeongin running after them, obviously wanting to hang out with Felix. Christopher was about to walk to his and Felix's shared room but Jeongin stopped then before they could go even further.

"Lixie hyung promised me that he would watch a horror movie with me!" Jeongin put his hands on his hip. Chan shoved the younger boy out of the way, "Change of plans. Get lost." Jeongin clicked his tongue, throwing a tantrum on the floor. As Chan walked past I.N and went in their room, slamming the door shut and locked.

"Channie, what are you doin— hmph¡" Felix was interrupted as he was thrown on the bed. The younger looked at the elder with wide eyes, he hasn't noticed until now how veiny Chan looked. Hot.

"Yah. What did I say about getting close with the other members? Especially Jeongin." Chan hovered over Felix, making the freckled boy kind of intimidated: "U-uh, not so t-touchy?" Felix stuttered. Playing with his fingers nervously. "Good boy. But.. daddy has to punish you for breaking a rule." Chan brought Felix over his lap.

Resting the younger's stomach on his thighs. Discarding Felix's undergarments, "Count to ten with me, baby boy. If you skip a number than we'll start all over." Chan gripped Felix's thick ass before slapping it. Felix squirming in pain, but some pleasure deep inside.











"Si-x, seve-n,







Chan smacked Felix's ass once again, slightly angered as he wasn't answered. "What did I say if you skipped a number?" He grabbed Felix's hair and lifted his head so he was given eye contact. The younger australian not answering again. Chris colliding his hand against Felix's butt even harder.

"Not listening to daddy, huh? Such a bad boy. Bet you would've listened to Jeongin." Chan grit his teeth. Felix gulped, tears already threatening to come out. He shook his head quickly, "N-no. On-ly d-d-daddy." Felix bit his lip. Chan smirked, "Is that so?" Felix nodding almost immediately after the words were out of Chan's mouth.

Chan just nodded, heading to their closet and opening a black box hidding in there. Looking through the sex toys, deciding to go with the handcuffs and a whip. Heading over back to Felix, seeing the younger on his knees. Chan smiled, wanting to smother the other boy in kisses but this wasn't the right time.

"Good boy." Chan mumbled, giving Felix a quick peck on his forehead before putting the fury black handcuffs on him. Setting the whip on the side for later. Setting his fingers on Felix's lips, the younger gladly obliged. Opening his mouth to have Chan's fingers in it. Sucking the hell out of it, Chris suprised at how needy Felix was.

After a few more seconds Chan felt that his fingers were soaked with enough saliva. Pulling them out before getting on his knees, Felix whining at the loss of fingers from his mouth but was quickly silent as Chan stuck a digit in his hole. "M-mm!" Felix pushed onto Chan's fingers, wanting more friction which the elder was not giving him. Chris grabbed the whip and smacked Felix's ass.

"Patience, princess."

Chan added another finger, scissoring Felix's tight hole. "Do you not play with yourself, baby doll?" Chan questioned, slightly curious as to why Lix was tight as fuck. "N-no," Felix mumbled. "Too bu-sy practicing the c-choreos a-nd my r-raps." The younger was able to muttered out. Chan hummed, adding another digit to which Felix thrushed with his feet.

"D-daddy!" He moaned out, sweat dripping down his forehead. Chan smirked, diging his fingers deep, finding Felix's prostate pretty quickly. Felix moaned out loud, pushing his asshole on Chan's fingers inpatiently. Earning another smack on the ass with the whip. The pleasure being too hard to bare. "I-I'm gonn-a c-cum.." Felix felt his high coming, as he was about to let out his fluids a cock ring was placed over his dick.

Felix looked at Chan with wide eyes, "Chan— daddy, why'd you stop..?" Felix pouted, trying to rub his legs together but was stopped by Chan. "Do you think you deserve to cum? After what happened today?" Chan whispered into Felix's ear with a raspy voice. "B-but, that was J-Jeongin's fault!" The younger whined.

Chan slapped Felix's ass cheek, leaving a red hand print. "Oh really?" Chan rose his eyebrow, not satisfied with the answer he got. Felix just grunted and laid his head on the pillow. Knowing Chan wasn't going to budge since he's that stubborn. "Fine. I'm taking a nap." Felix sighed. Forgetting about the handcuffs on his wrists and doses of to sleep.

1235 words

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