Not In Public (Changlix) (3)

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Ship: Changbin x Felix
Genre: fluff???

"Lixie, let's go to the carnival!" Changbin exclaimed, Felix came out of his room and pounced on the older who was currently spread on the couch like a starfish. "Can we go to the one that just opened??" Felix looked at his boyfriend. Bin nodded, excited that he would be able to go out with his baby.

Changbin picked up Lix and headed to their rooms to change since they were in sweats and hoodies. "Go change, I'll wait." Changbin said, Felix ran into his room and took out clothing from his closet. Putting on a burgundy long sleeved shirt along with some regular dark blue jeans that were cuffed. Lastly, high top black converse.

He looked in the mirror and was satisfied with his look. He opened the door and jumped on Changbin's back, the older not expecting it one bit and almost fell down but luckily he didn't. He grasped on Felix's ankles and exit the apartment. The male couple walked since the carnival was across the street.

Changbin got Felix back on his feet and tangled their hands together. They walked over to the ticket booth and got their tickets to get in the carnival. Felix carelessly dragged Changbin to the carnival games, not giving a damn about the people he walked into. The elder having to apologize everytime Felix bumped into somebody.

"Lix, be careful. Your crashing into people." Changbin grabbed Felix's waist to prevent him from running into anybody else. The young Australian whined, he was bored and impatient. Just wanted to win a new stuffed animal since his cat plushie disappeared somewhere.

Felix ignored his lover's words and bumped into even more people. He could hear Changbin behind him growl but he could care less. He yelped as he was pulled by the waist to Changbin's chest. "What did I just say, love? You want me to give you a punishment in public with everybody looking?" Changbin whispered with a raspy voice, sending chills down Felix's body.

Felix whimpered, shaking his head lightly. "Then watch where you are going." Changbin demanded. Connecting his and Felix's hand together again. This time Felix was looking out, not wanting to get humiliated in front of everyone by his kinky boyfriend.

After a couple minutes crowds died down and the changlix couple could actually walk without being shoved around. The two males settled on a game called ring toss. Buying a full bucket with rings for $4.99 . First Changbin started throwing them but he always missed. The elder eventually gave up and threw the whole buckey in rage.

Felix chuckled, hugging his mad boyfriend to somewhat calm him down. And it kind of worked. Buying another bucket of rings for Felix to try. Binnie tried to stop Felix from doing so since it was obviously a scam but the younger being the stubborn boy he is didn't listen. Fortunately, he made his ring on one of the bottles on the first try.

"What the actual fuck!" Changbin called out, gaining some attention that was not wanted. Felix chuckled at his boyfriend. "Not in public, changbinnie." Lix smiled at his boyfriend. Using up all his rings after a couple minutes. Able to get three rings on the bottles.

Felix decided to get a big sized charmander, a fun sized kitty, and a huge gyu plush for Changbin that was suprisingly on the racks. Changbin gave Felix a long, passionate kiss on the lips. Lix pulling away since he was embarrassed about doing this kind of stuff with people around them.

"Like I said. Not in public, binnie!"

604 words

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