Car Sex (Hyunlix) (11)

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Ship: Hwang Hyunjin & Lee Felix
Genre: Smut
Sorry for the crappy oneshot!
Requested by @h0ney_b0y

"Hwang, your shift is over. You can go now." Hyunjin's boss dismissed him. Hyunjin sighed, feeling awfully stressed. Today at work being hard to bare with. He decided to text his group of friends if they would like to join him to get drinks at a club.

Luckily a few of them were free while other didn't respond. Hyunjin packed his stuff and left the building. Calling a taxi over, getting a text that his friends were gonna be there in fifteen minutes. Hyunjin hopped in the back seat, telling the driver the location.

Awkwardly sat down, resting his head on the seat. "So.. you work at JYP?" The driver tried to stir up a conversation, Hyunjin hummed. "Mhm. I work as a choreographer," he kept his sentences short. Feeling really tense and really hot. Discarding his jacket but still feeling hot.

"We're at your destination, sir. Have a good night." The taxi driver smiled which Hyunjin gave back, not wanting to be rude even if he's grumpy. Hyunjin saw Seungmin and Minho waiting outside. Waving 'hello' to them. "Took you long enough." Seungmin scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah." Hyunjin mumbled, Minho having to push them to the entrance because of how slow their conversation was. "You guys take so long, I wanna see the ladies." Minho grumbled. The three males eventually headed over to the bar, "I'll just take a water." Seungmin smiled. Hyunjin and Minho looked at the youngest like he was psychotic.

"How do you go to a club and get water? And your gay as fuck so you have no reason to watch the strippers— why'd you even come?" Hyunjin squints his eyes. Minho leaving the two to go hookup with a stranger. "Because I know you two are dumbasses so I have to drive you home. Sorry for being considerate." Seungmin clicked his tongue.

Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and ordered two shots. "Just one shot, minnie." The elder slid the shot over to Seungmin's direction. "One, that's it." They both clanked their glasses together before downing it.


"bITCH, YOU WANNA FUCKING GO.." Seungmin slurred, getting in a fight with random white lady humping on Hyunjin. "What? I can't get fucking dick without somebody yelling at me?" She stomped on the ground.

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin, "i'M WATCHING YOU LIKE A DAMN EAGLE, if you cheat on Felix I'M GOING TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU." He exit the bar area to go to the dance floor. Hyunjin wasn't even paying attention to anybody.

"One more.. drink?" Hyunjin asked the bartender. "I think you've had enough." He chuckled. "AW. Pretty pleaseee? I'll pay you an extra five bucksss." Hyunjin tried to persuade him but the guy declined. "Damn it." He huffed, getting his phone out.

Minho was probably fucking someone in the restrooms and Seungmin is getting into fights with other people for no reason so Hyunjin phoned Felix. Still feeling really hot, not wondering why.


"Hm? Hyunjin did you get drunk."

"Oh, wow. You're like a fucking wizardd.."

"Do you need me to pick you up?"

"How do dinosaurs have sex? And did you know that chickens like to fuck? Yes, I need a rideee,"

"Hyunjin. Just shut up. Send me your location."

Felix hung up. Hyunjin pouted wanting to hear Felix's voice more than usual. He texted Felix his location before resting his head on the counter. The same white lady tried kising Hyunjin but Seungmin came out of literally nowhere and yanked her hair backwards.

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