Dance Partner (Hyunlix) (6)

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Ship: Hyunjin x Felix
Genre: ???

"Mr. Lee! Have you been on steroids? Cuz' you be killin' it!" Mr. Jung's slang made some of the students cringe but Felix made it an exception since it was about him. "Thanks, Hoseokie!" Lix smiled. "What did I say about calling me by my first name?" Hoseok rose his eyebrow. The younger just chuckled.

"Fine. Thanks old man!" The australian insulted, laughing afterwards as he saw Mr. Jung's face. "Wow. I was going to let you go to advanced with Mr. Jeon but guess you don't want to." Hoseok shurgged it off. Felix immediately pouncing on his dance teacher. "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry! I'll buy you dinner just to make it up to you!" The shorter begged.

Hoseok just chuckled, "I was kidding, but we could still go up to that dinner." Felix groaned, not actually being serious about the dinner but he still agreed. Mr. Jung ruffling his hair before monitoring some other students. Lix just sighed, dragging his body down against the gigantic mirror like in a k-drama.


"Hello, Mr. Lee. From what I hear from Mr. Jung is that you're good enough to go on the advanced team." He bowed politely. Felix blushed still not used to being so great at dancing all of a sudden. Jungkook guided him to the other dancers who were practicing, "So right now, we're in the middle of a riot between other dance teams such as TWICE, Pentagon, NCT 127, and most importantly Ateez.".

Of course Felix being the dance geek he was, knew all of those dance teams. "Right now, we're going against NCT 127. Their main dancers Jaehyun, Taeyong, and Yuta are doing excellent from what my students hear. So we need to up our game. Of course you will need to save all your energy for Ateez." Mr. Jeon finished.

Lix nodded, kind of being hard to understand since he was talking so fast and Felix's lousy Korean. "We're all with partners, and luckily one of them do not have one. So you don't have to wait next competition." Jungkook pointed to Felix's new partner. "Hyunjin, Felix. Felix, Hyunjin. Please be a dear for me and teach him the routine." Jungkook greeted them to each other, giving Hyunjin a responsibility. The attractive male agreeing.

Hyunjin grabbed a hold of Felix's shoulder and guided him to the practice room. "Hmm. Watch what I do and try to keep up. If you're good enough, you might be able to dance with me and Minho." Hyunjin mumbled. Turning the music on before moving his body so sensually that Felix was distracted. Being hard to keep up with the older's moves but had it copy and pasted in his head.

Before the young australian knew it, the dance was over. Hyunjin looked over at Felix, dabbing his forehead with a towel. Cleaning all the sweat he suprisingly got for doing absolutely nothing. "Do it." Hyunjin demanded, taking a seat on the floor. Felix got up, feeling a little awkward about dancing infront of Hyunjin. But none of the less, Felix tried to do what he remembered. Feeling himself not so stiff anymore, he got to flow to the music. Hearing clapping behind him after he was done.

"Good job. For an amaeur." Hyunjin growled under his breath. Crossing his arms together over his chest. Felix tried to keep his breaths even but the older's stare didn't help at all. "Jesus christ. You taught me nothing and expect me to just copy you? What kind of crappy partner are you." Felix furrowed his eyebrows. Putting the music back on and re-did the dance. Making sure to get the key points perfect.

Hyunjin growled under his breath, walking towards Felix who was too distracted by his dance moves in the mirror. The younger was caught by suprise from Hyunjin's actions. "What're you d-doing.." Felix scolded himself for stuttering. The elder just chuckling, "Who do you think you are to insult me?". Lix smirked, his nervousness down the drain. "That's why you're all up in my face? Because I called you a crappy partner?"

Hyunjin paused for a minute. Untangling his hands away from Felix's wrist. "You got a crush on me or something?" Lix crossed his arms over his chest. ".. So what if I do?! What are you gonna do? Punch me with your adorable small hands." Hyunjin blushed in embarrassment. "Wow. What else do you know about me?" Felix teased, quirking his eyebrow up.

"S-shut up!" Hyunjin exclaimed. The australian just chuckled and went over to his bag and took out a towel to wipe the sweat of him. Right now Hyunjin was amazed how the younger could make him blush in 0.2 seconds. Slapping his cheeks lightly, gaining his confidence back. Sighing softly before leaving the room. Hyunjin signed out, putting his infamous signature on the sign out sheet and left.

Felix finished up the choreography, feeling proud of himself for memorizing the dance and dancing perfectly. Hoping most days will be like this. Checking the time made him pout, it took him four hours to get the dance right. He left the building and headed to a close by convenience store. He grabbed a few ramen packages since he was running out, not forgetting to get a bottle of soju.

Running out the store after paying, his house wasn't so far so he was able to get there earlier then he thought. The bags full of food and drinks made him slow down slightly but it was okay. He made it to his small, cozy apartment and set down the bags on his counter. Taking out a ramen bowl, putting warm water in then placing it in the microwave. Trying to be careful since he and Seungmin were horrible at cooking. Even putting stuff in the oven and microwave.

Eating his warm food quickly, feeling tired from all the hard work he was doing. Putting the soju in the fridge. And then heading to his room to knock out. Barely noticing that it was 7:18 right now, he groaned. Praying to the lords that they won't wake him up earlier then he usually does. Going into deep slumber after a few minutes.

Two Months Later
April 21st, 2020

"IN FIRST PLACE WE HAVE... HYUNJIN, AND FELIX!" Cheers and claps were erupted from the crowd. The duo looked at each other and felt like crying. Hyunjin not giving a fuck about the people around him and started bawling. Felix having to drag Hyunjin to the stage. Felix grabbed the trophy in one hand and Hyunjin in the other. Sadly Minho sprained his ankle, putting too much power into his dance moves. But even without the older of the group they did amazing.

Hyunjin thought it was a perfect idea to ask Felix something infront of everyone.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He smiled, biting his lip. Obviously not wanting to get rejected infront of live TV. The crowds erupted into even more cheering, some jerks even left due to the gayness in the air. Felix was too suprised and happy to comprehend what Hyunjin just said. Hyunjin feeling kind of embarrassed so he just leaned in and brought their lips together. Felix kissed back eventually.

"Yeah. I will."

1217 words

This was really crappy, sorry. This was the dance though, even with Lee Know.

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