My Fault (Minlix) (Pt. 2 Of Your Fault) (9)

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Ship: Lee Minho & [dead??] Lee Felix
Genre: Angst

Lee Felix, 28 year old found dead at Allium bridge. Body found underwater by a couple who were taking a night swim. Detectives predict that Mr. Lee committed a suicide. We'll be right back after commercial break.

Minho stared at the TV in horror. Running his gands through his hair to try and calm himself down. The love of his life took his own life because of Minho's stupid mistake. Yujin came down with his stuffed dinosaur in one arm and a chicken nugget his other hand. "Daddy, where is appa? He just left." The young child asked. Minho ignored his son and fell on his knees "My fault.." he mumbled.

Yujin ran over to his father with his adorable tiny feet. Engulfing Minho in a bone crushing hug, Minho didn't even have the courage to hug his son back. "Daddy, why are you so sad?" Yujin asked. Setting his dinosaur on the ground and stuffing the chicken nugget in his mouth so he could give Minho a proper hug.

Minho put his son in his lap, "Daddy did something very bad, s-so you need to spend the n-n-night at Un-cle Woojin's h-house." Minho tried to smile, at least for Yujin. The young boy was the only reason why Minho wasn't going to be along with Felix. He didn't want to be a coward like his husband, but he had no right to call the australian that.

Minho felt ashamed, he was the reason of Lee Felix's death. Yujin just smiled, being oblivious of what happened to his appa. "Ooh, yay! Uncle Woojin and Uncle Chan lets me help them bake cookies whenever I go over there!" The seven year old boy bounced in his dad's lap. "Okay, bubs. Let's get you ready. You're going to be with them for the whole day and than I'll pick you up. Got it?"

"Got it!" Yujin rushed over to his bedroom to pack for the day. Not forgetting to bring his soldier men toys and legis just in case he got bored at his Uncle's house. Shoving his clothes into his backpack and walking downstairs. "I'm ready!" Yujin jumped up and down in excitement.

Minho picked Yujin up and walked them to the car, putting his son in his car seat. Hopping in the driver's seat and heading to Woochan's house. The drive wasn't so far, just a couple neighborhoods away. Woojin and Chan were already outside, playing catch. They watched Minho pull into the driveway. Woojin immediately diving into the car and kidnapped Yujin.

"He got so big! When was the last time we saw him??" Woojin gasped, Chan joining his husband. "We saw Yujin like four days ago." Chan chuckled. Minho rolled down his window, "Do you think you could take care of him until tomorrow?" Minho asked. Resting his head on the seat. Chan nodded gleefully, "Of course! May I ask why?"

Minho bit his lip, "Uhm.. you guys record the CNN news, right? So watch that, and can you tell Yujin about it? I don't think I have the guts to say it to him.." Minho took all the energy in him to compose himself infront of Chris. "Oh okay. Well see you! Tell my little bro I said hi!" Chan smiled. Minho awkwardly nodded. Pulling out the driveway and heading to the hospital.

He parked his car and ran into the hospital, "Lee Felix? His body is sti-ll here? R-right?" Minho asked the receptionist upfront. "Give me a moment." She did some stuff on the computer. "Yes. Mr. Lee's body is still here. May I ask who you are?" She handed Minho a sheet that he needed to sign out.

"Family. Spouse t-to be more s-specific." Minho gulped, not caring a bit that the staff were gonna judge him. "Oh. You're one of those 'people'. He's on the third floor, room 2B." She furrowed her eyebrows in disgust, Minho ignoring the receptionist lady and sprinted up the stairs.

Running laps around the area until he found Felix. Busting in the room to see a sheet over his face. Fucking cheap ass hospital. He took the sheet off to view his husband. His beautiful husband. Minho fell onto his knees once again, choking up a sob. Moving the strand of hair that was on Felix's face.

"Ba-by." He sniffed.

"I'm s-so so s-orry. If on-ly I was a b-better husband. I-f I didn't think of my-myself like the s-selfish bastard I-I am you c-could've still been he-re on e-earth. Y-you didnt de-serve to be t-t-treated like this, I ha-d a bad day a-and took it ou-t on you. Maybe if I l-let Changbin ha-ve you in high school y-you could've st-ill been here wi-th y-your beautiful smile that could lighten u-up someone's d-day in a sec-second." Minho cried into Felix's chest.

Hating the fact that he couldn't feel his lover's chest going up and down. Or his heartbeat going 'boom boom' like it used to when they were together happily. When Minho joined the high school, he was only thinking of alcohol, sex, and parties. Until he met Felix. The younger boy changed him. Than everything went down fall for some reason. Like god wasn't on his side.

Minho changed back to what he was after a few years they had Yujin. Going to the club, secretly fucking girls behind Felix's back. Getting drunk with his friends, crashing parties. While Lee Felix was at home doing house work, taking care of Yujin.

He had no clue how Felix could tell from his expression that he cheated. It was how much the younger paid attention to him. It made him feel guilty, he didn't know when Felix would mask his face with a smile when he was sad. Or angry. Because Minho didn't even try to make it seem like he cared.

Felix knew somewhere in the bottom of Minho's heart that the elder loved him. But the australian soon took that back once he saw Minho's condition that one day. Minho was careless, worthless, and useless. He wouldn't even show up to work most of the time. His second home being the club.

The dance company even fired him because of the absences. Minho didn't tell Felix since he would most likely be scolded and he didn't want to deal with that after his hangovers so he stayed at the club. Minho sold Felix jewelry so he could pay the bills and the freckled male had no clue and just kept on smiling.

So Minho smiled, smiled just for Felix. And vowed to himself that he'll smile too. Just for the sake of Felix. That's the least he can do, he'll smile as much as Felix. Even when he's having a rough day. He'll smile. Just like Lee Felix did. Tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry, baby. I love you."

"It's my fault."

1194 words

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