Chapter 5: Prisoners

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  • Dedicated to Trexie Belt

Previously: The Sage guides Christian to the Tome as the Emperor meets with the Council to decide on the fate of the Empire. His resolve would pave the way to the full formation of the United Imperial Forces. More of the Emperor and Servant’s history is revealed, including their connection. The third prisoner under the Dark Knights’ custody is a fugitive from the East, claiming to hold intel on the United Imperial Forces. However, Infinity knew much about the Emperor’s plans and adds that there is something much bigger than the Tome and the secrets of the world. Now the Quest begins!

Main quote: “Yes, he kept secrets but you did the same. How can we justify ourselves now? Were we not banded together for the purpose of being a benefit to the world rather than a hindrance? What of our powers? Can we not use them to save the people we want recognition from? But if we are to do that, we must acknowledge ourselves. What the Emperor taught us…was more than enough! He taught me to live moving forward, to do good for others and be an example for people to follow! What about you? What is your choice…because I follow him!” (Derocho the Warrior)

   “Crown of Glory?” Christian was quite perplexed. He has never heard of it before. Neither has Solus.

  “How did you know of this, Prince Vincent?” Sage asks, using the Emperor’s old title for a nickname.

  “Umm…I actually do not know of its real name. It just came to me while I was picturing it in my head.”

  “Clairvoyance…” Sage makes note “The ability to perceive clearly without the use of the five senses. You were able to see a vision of an object that never exists…but existed and will exist.”

  “Can someone explain to me what in the world is going on?” Solus exclaimed in confusion “First of all, is this why you let me come with you, Your Majesty? I know you know my father was Master Chronicler and his legacy, the Historica Impera I actually finished for him. Yes, t’was not my work but I knew I had to complete the unfinished Imperial Records so I used the Secret Manuscripts in the Library and…”

  “Wait, wait, wait…you went to the Library before WE MET? You also need to explain things as well.”

  “Speak for yourself.” Christian commented. But the Emperor snubs Christian. “Why should I? You never told me long ago Penelope’s son was your protégé. At least teach me some of that ninjutsu stuff.”

  “Terrible and now my two favorite pupils…EX-PUPILS…are interested in that sorry excuse of a nature manipulation style! Magic happens to be superior to all schools. At least we do not rush to fight.”

  “Master, we can discuss this later.” Christian steps back and listens to the Emperor.

  “The Crown was an artifact, probably as old as the original Royal Crown of the Empire.”

  “It’s far older, beyond the time of the First Roman Emperor,” Sage states.

  “Clearly, we do not possess much information on the Tome and the Crown. What of the other object?”

  “Prince, that is a map. The dots on the map represent…seven jewels.”

  “I understand.” Christian speaks out “The Emperor was probably seeing a future vision.”

  “Future vision?” The Emperor recalls how he saw it. It was very vivid and bright.

  “Clairvoyance was something I never really had.” Sage stated “I too had visions but were limited to anything from a not-so distant past in relation to the present. Your foresight is extraordinary, my pupil.”

  “I also saw…two men fighting. They were only shadows but I could clearly see they were both after the same thing… One was…human and the other a monster. When the monster struck the man, it all went dark and then I saw the Crown. I heard a voice call to me, telling me the object’s name.”

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