Chapter 12: The Truth Behind the Beginning

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Previously: The Emperor’s destiny is explored.  How will the Quest change everything?

Main quotes: (Is 14:12-17 [1], Jn 1:1-3, [2] Rv 12:7-12 [3] Gabriel) “Your faith has saved you.”(God)


  August 16, 1205 A.D.


  Philip of Swabia boards the ship. The crew looks fiercely at him as he stares at the stars. But…

  He turns around and smiles. “So…umm…what were you about to do again?”

  This made them put down the weapons they were about to use against him.

  The reason was simple…because the ship east to them had archers pointed at them.

  The plot had been averted…just as Alfonso personally subdued the German Minister of Assessment.

  “Know on this day, the justice of the Emperor has been felt!”

  “You are clever…damned impudence! I…I thought this would surely…”

  “If you plan to kill me with your supporters, go ahead. God is my witness today.”

  “Count de Lima…I have to hand it you. Your supporters…are just as slippery as I am.”

  Suddenly, the man’s arms slip away from his bonds but Raynen arrives and bumps into him unknowingly, knocking him out from the force of the impact. “Oh, umm what happened?”

  “Justice is served. We arrest you in the name of the Empire. Captain, take him away.”

  “Right!” He brings the duke to the prison. Alfonso had warned De Jure about the plot. He did this so that the man would not take advantage of the situation. As for Otto, he was also informed of the attempted assassination of both Philip of Swabia and the Emperor. “I would never go that far!” he noted when he remembered the report of the first attempt on Philip’s life. “I told them to attack Philip’s castle but not to engage the man directly. If he died then, who knows how the people would have reacted to this?”

  The men in white robes finally reveal themselves…as Angels of God!

  They had guarded that place in England for quite a while. They were waiting for the Emperor so that they can take the gems and Map piece away. “This is His Will. We will carry it out to the end!” says the Etruscan Guardian, now known as the Prince of the Angels, Michael. “Messenger, lead the Emperor here.” This was the command given to Gabriel. “Enduring One, I leave this sector to you. Take any precautions necessary. We are the only spirits to assume corporeal forms without possessing bodies at the moment. Use your power cautiously as not to leak out for Infinity to notice.”

  “Understood.” The Prince and the rest vanish.

  The Colored Orders have faced much havoc.

  The Reds have been assimilated to other Orders to protect their dignity and start over.

  The Whites were excommunicated by their Byzantine superiors.

  The Greens were condemned as heretics for their “worship of nature”.

  The Grays were divided into two factions, the original Defenders of Imperial Fraternity and the rebel extremists that were responsible for the assassination attempt. Now the latter group is in hiding.

  Note also the original Defenders are still active despite the discrimination they face.

  The Golden Order was forced to surrender itself to the Church. The Royal Guards were protected by Imperial Law but the GRPC had to disband ultimately and currently act as low-level guards.

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