Chapter 6: Lord Infinity

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Previously: The prisoners of Lord Infinity are almost complete as the fourth arrives willingly, the Minister of Peace, in an act of betrayal against the Empire’s laws and its trust. He prepares to capture the fifth himself. However, unbeknownst to everyone, they escaped to meet with the final prisoner, Derocho. Now together, they plan to take Castle Infinity by storm. It was time to mobilize the first group of United Imperial Forces troops on the enemy! But when the situation takes a serious turn, will the Emperor defeat this unbeatable foe with his sheer force of will or fall to darkness and despair?

Main quote: “He who stands looking beyond the horizon falls to the one in front of him!” (Infinity)

  “That object…in his hand…”

  The central monolith was already broken apart. The pillars had already stopped spinning. What is this?

  The spiraling black mass returns to its real source, the Power Orb on Infinity’s chest.

  “I was never after some old relic…” The Emperor gets up, healed and ready to rampage again. But his shocked expression revealed he was still partly in control of himself.

  “What lies in that weapon so valued in this world…is the Limitless Potential, that which is the origin of all things…” Infinity imagines a glowing rock. “That which is of the Stone of Origin.”

  “Then…you…” Emperor Vincent manages to speak coherently “Are…After…the Crown!”

  “That is right! This Instrument is but a means to bring me close to it and its scattered jewels.”

  The Emperor uses this time to think. “I will not deter. I will not let this power corrupt me! Get out!”

  Soon, the purple matter on the Emperor’s body vanishes and he quickly reverts to his human self.

  Christian was relieved…he did not have to intervene.

  “Get everyone out! Now!” the Emperor commands Christian. The latter leaves.

  “Now let me tell you…what the Crown exactly is.” Infinity starts his explanation.

  The Princess awakens, surprised that Marcus was holding him. The man was shocked to see her awake and lets her stand on her own. She asks with much confusion, “Marcus? Where is this? What-“

  “Oh Princess!” He quickly embraces him tight, with tears flowing out of his eyes. “I was so worried. I thought you perished. I was so lost, so desolate…I did not…I could not…I…”

  She returns the hug and tells him not to cry so much. “I am always here for you. Do not forget that.”

  “What?” Marcus wipes his tears.

  “As you were there for me, I will be here for you. Whatever happens, I will always be by your side…”

  “Maria, I-“ Their hands nearly meet but Raynen arrives, exclaiming with all delight that his beloved Princess was saved. He embraces her as well. “I was so worried. I did not know what I would do if…:  

  Christian arrives and tells them to leave the Castle at once.

  “We cannot stay here any longer. It is not safe. Go now and alert the others!”

  Underground, Cato orders for the evacuation of the Fourth and Sixth Companies. Solus sees his war machines destroyed, to his grief. He was forcefully brought out by the veteran Mercenary Commander as the water from the other side leaks out. Soon the floodwaters gush out and they drag the rocks that used to block the cavern. The flood destroys the columns, which fall off the lampstands that once connected them. Though they blocked the river's path, this did not stop the flood from covering upnthe cavern until the tunnel was completely sealed off. The men escaped successfully, albeit lost three men there. They also lost seventeen Moors and eight mercenaries to the enemy. Christian meanwhile returns inside to find…

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