Chapter 15 - He's ... my lover

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Shen Wei stands frozen in place not really knowing what to do or to say. The question suddenly pop up with no warning. The worse part is that it's coming from someone that he loves since he was young.

"Shen Wei?" Yunlan walks back to the paled and frozen Shen Wei.

"H-how did you k-know? No, I ... I mean .. where did you hear this?" Shen Wei is barely holding on to his sanity.

"I was talking to your father and he mentioned it." Yunlan make up a lie.

"Did he mention who it is?"

"No ... You don't know who you're engage to?" Yunlan just wanted to know if Shen Wei truly doesn't know about their engagement.

"No ... father just said that he already made the arrangement but the other party hasn't formally give their answer. So father isn't going to tell me anything until it's been confirmed." Shen Wei is getting more and more nervous with every passing second. He doesn't want Yunlan to know any of this. But the matter has reached the worst point when Yunlan himself ask Shen Wei this question. "But it's not final yet ..... so I don't considered myself as engaged .... just that something is going on but it's still uncleared ....yeah .... I'm not engaged yet."

Yunlan does feel guilty to an extent as he watches Shen Wei literally hypnotize himself.

"You don't seem to like your fiance despite not knowing who it is." Yunlan just had to ask because when he first heard about his engagement to Shen Wei, he just disappeared into the human realm. So he doesn't really know what happens after. And now that he learns of his partial amnesia and that Shen Wei has an important part in it, Yunlan has some catching up to do.

"Not really ... it's just that I ... I already like someone." Shen Wei shyly admits.

"Oh ... but have you ever thought that the person you're engage to is actually the person you like?"

"I highly doubt it because nobody knows about it ... not father ... not even Ye Zun."

Yunlan feign to frown at this revelation and turn his back to Shen Wei. "I'm sorry for what happened and I think that we shouldn't be too close."


"You have a fiance and you also have someone you like .... I don't think there's any space left for me." Yunlan sounds very sad which causes Shen Wei to quickly grab his jacket from behind.

"No .. no .. there's always space for you ... no .. that's not right either ... Yunlan, you're the only one that's been occupying my whole heart .... I ... I like you." Shen Wei makes up his mind that he's not going to hold back now that Yunlan's right here before him. He's going to do whatever it takes to get him.

"But we've just known each other ...." Yunlan deliberately trails off as he turns back to face Shen Wei.

"No .. you might've just known me but I've known you for a very long time."

"Oh really? How long exactly?"

"I - I can't really tell you but trust me that it's been a very very long time." Shen Wei tries to avoid eye contact otherwise he'll say it since he can't fight against Yunlan's sad puppy eyes.

Yunlan gently reaches for Shen Wei's hand and lace their fingers together again which seems to brighten up the sad Shen Wei. In order to cheer up Shen Wei, Yunlan lifts their joined hands and give it a little twist so that he can place a tender kiss on the back of Shen Wei's hand.

"What a coincident .... you have also manage to occupy my heart ..... since we were younger until this very moment."

"Y-you remember? Y-your memories back?" Shen Wei excitedly asks, his voice filling with hope.

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