🥦Deku + older sister reader🥦

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You're Y/n Midoriya, 19 years old and you have a very big surprise to your younger brother, Izuku Midoriya, and your mother, Inko Midoriya.
(Y/n POV)
'Back to Japan, huh?' I have been studying abroad in America but I had to quit because of... different reasons.

I was at the airport and took a taxi that drives to my mother's apartment.

When I got there, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It took a moment but then she finally opened.

"Hi mom," I said, she smiled big and jumped into my arms. I got a little shocked and worried.

"Y/n! I've missed you so much" she said as she broke the hug and let me in the apartment.

"I've missed you, too... Where's Izuku?" I asked, she pointed at his door, I took off my shoes while mom walked into the kitchen, looking at me a little confused when I still had my coat on.

I heard the computer in his room on, and of course, it was his favorite video with All Might in. I opened the door, he didn't notice, I smiled in his direction.

"Still a fan of All Might..." he jumped and looked at me.

"My own little hero," I said. He smiled big and run into my arms. I huffed at the tight hug.

"Y/n!" He said happily, I laughed and ruffled his hair.

"How are you my little broccoli?" He got a small blush on his cheeks, making me giggle.

"How is it at U.A?" I asked, his eyes lit up and a big smile on his lips.

"Good, the sports festival is coming up soon, you gonna watch?" He said I laughed and nodded

"Of course I'm gonna watch!" I said and ruffled his hair again.

"Come on. I need to tell you and mom something important" I said and we walked into the kitchen to see mom already at the dinner table. She smiled at us as we sat down.

"So honey, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be studying right now?" Mom asked, I looked at her and sighed.

"That's what I wanted to talk about...um..." I looked at them both.

"I quitted" their eyes got widen

"What!!" They both yelled, you closed your eyes and then looked down.

"Why? You had worked so much to get in" Izuku said, I looked at him and gave him a sad smile. I looked at mom

"Something... happened," I said and stood up, I took a deep breath before taking off my big coat and dropped it in the floor. I looked down and rubbed my small belly while smiling.

Mom's eyes widen and stood up
"Y-Y/n...?" She asked, I looked up at her and smiled


"Pregnant" I interrupted her, Izuku's eyes got widen and both of them hugged me.

"I'm so happy for you!" Mom said and Izuku hugged me tighter

"T-Thanks..." I said with a smile, but that smile faded when Izuku asked

"W-Who's the father?" They stopped hugging me and I looked down.

"He... He dumped me when I told him" I said, they looked at me in shock, not knowing what to say. Izuku hugged me and mom rubbed my shoulder in comfort.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry," mom said, comfortingly. I gave her a sad smile and looked at Izuku.

"You're going to be an uncle, Izuku..." he smiled at me and we both looked at Inko.

"And you're going to be a grandma" I laughed and saw mom's tears flowing down her cheeks.

I started to feel the baby kick, I smiled at her and took her and Izuku's hand, holding it on my belly, they smiled, looking at me in awe.


We sat on the couch watching a movie when Izuku looked at me and asked...

"I forget to ask before, how long have you been pregnant?" I smiled down at him

"About six and a half months," I said and ruffled his matching green hair, mom hugged my shoulders and Izuku laid his head on my belly. Mom and I smiled down at him. My fingers going through his hair, making him relax even more.


Mom had fallen asleep so it's just me and Izuku that was awake, he sat up from my belly and laid his head on my shoulder instead, I laid my head on top of his.

"I'm happy your back, sis," He said, I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm happy to be back," I said and we fell asleep like that.

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