🔥Todoroki x Bakugo's sister🧊

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You and your beloved twin brother were on your way to school. Katsuki was talking about something you didn't listen at all, you were to busy, texting your crush/best friend, Shoto Todoroki.

"Oi, Y/n! Are you even listening?!" Katsuki yelled, you didn't look up at him, you just smiled down at your phone, still texting Shoto until Katsuki took your phone.

You looked at him, not complaining, he looked at your text with Shoto this morning before giving it back to you "No" was the only thing he said before walking faster.

You stared up at him "But..."
"But nothing, it's icy- hot! How can you like someone like that extra?!" He said and you glared at him but then sighed.

"Whatever, he probably doesn't feel the same way, I bet he just sees me as his best friend," you said as you walked as fast as Katsuki.

"He like you idiot" he growled, you glared at him "Don't fu*king joke around Katsuki," you said angrily. He looked at you
"I have seen how he's looking at you, and he has the guts to come and ask me how you're doing," he said, a smirk crept on your lips. Baku glared at you,
"Don't you fu*king dare, sis" he said, you shrugged your shoulders and walked faster to U.A. a big smile on your lips.

At U.A.

You walked into class with Katsuki following, he walked over to his desk and plopped down while Kirishima walked up to him, you smirked at your brother, knowing he had a small crush on the red-headed shark boy.

You looked around the classroom to see Shoto at his desk, you walked up to him with a smile

"Hi Shoto," you said, he gave you a small smile, in the corner of your eye, you saw Momo glare at you, you glared back, making her look away.

Shoto saw it and smirked at you
"How are you, Y/n?" He asked you got a small blush on your cheeks

"Good, but meet me outside the school at lunch, I have something to tell you," you said as you sat at your desk, behind Deku.

Time skip

You and Shoto sat on a bench outside school, you looked into his eyes as he looked into yours. "Shoto I... I like it...Mmph..." Shoto's lips interrupted you. You hot shocked but melted into the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his around your waist, making the kiss more passionately.

He made his way to your neck, finding your sweet spot, sucking and bite on it, leaving hickeys, making you slightly moan. He separated and looked at the mark with a smirk on his stupid face

"Now, the others can know that you're mine" he mumbled, making you blush like crazy as you touched foreheads.

You smiled and closed your eyes
"Does that mean... you like me too?" You asked he nodded against your forehead. You smiled bigger and gave him a peck on his lips. "Oi! Icy-hot! Leave my sister alone you shitty extra!" You heard Bakugo yell, you looked behind Shoto and he turned around to see Katsuki walking over to you both in anger.

You sighed and Shoto stood in front of you. Katsuki stopped, the two guys stared into each other's eyes. Katsuki's got down to your eyes that showed a pleading look. He sighed and glared at Shoto "I swear Icy- hot! That if you hurt her, I'm gonna beat your stupid ass up! You got that you shitty extra?!" He yelled, Shoto smirked a bit and you smiled. Shoto hugged you from behind
"I'm never hurting her. How can I hurt someone I love" he said making you smile and gets a small shade of pink on your cheeks. Katsuki clucked his tongue. He looked into your eyes again, thanking him for giving Shoto a chance. He sighed and was going to walk away but stopped in track as you said.

"Go get the red shark now bro" he looked back at you, your smirk looked like Monoma's, making Katsuki cringe and glared at you.

"Shut up! Stupid..." he stopped himself if he insulted you, he insulted himself. You smirked in victory as he clicked his tongue and walked away, leaving you with Shoto.

You turned around and looked up at him
"Now when that's over... should we go back? Class is starting soon" Shoto said and you nodded

"I love you, Shoto," you said as you hugged his sides. He smiled and kissed the top of your head

"Love you too, Y/n"

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