Words: 1120
Y/n and Toshi was sitting on the hospital bed with their newborn son in Y/n's arms. He had Y/n's e/c eyes, Toshi's blond hair and his bright smile."He's beautiful" Y/n said and held a finger in the sleeping boy's small hand. He grabbed her finger, making Toshi and Y/n smile more.
"I agree love. He got your beauty" he said and kissed the top of her head, causing her to giggle "But I bet he got your handsome looks Toshi" she said and gave him a peek on the lips. And Toshi chucked against her lips.
"I love you, Y/n" he said and she smiled "And I love you, Toshi" she said and the two looked down at S/n (son's name) that was now awake and looked up at them. He reached up his arms towards Toshinori, making the man chuckle and lift his son into his arms.
"Hello there S/n..." he said and Y/n looked at the two with a smile. She finally had the family she ever wanted.~ 5 years later ~
"Daddy? Mommy?" S/n asked, walking into their room to see Toshi sitting on the edge of the bed as Y/n was smiling at him, telling him something S/n didn't quite hear.
He walked up to them and as they heard his small footsteps, they looked down at him to see he was holding the photo album in his arms.
Y/n smiled as Toshi sat their son on the bed beside Y/n. "Family story?" She asked and S/n looked up at her and nodded with a bright smile.
"Have I told you about your grand-grandpa?" She asked and S/n shook his head 'no'."Well then. The year was 1939..."
~ Time skip; 7 months ~
Toshinori was holding up his wife's hair and rubbing her back for comfort as she threw up. Her tears streaming down of the disgusting and uncomfortable feeling.
"S/n? Can you get a glass of water to mommy?" Toshi asked and S/n nodded before running into the kitchen.
Toshi and Y/n heard his footsteps coming back soon enough and he handed Y/n the glass of water. She smiled at her son and drank the water slowly. "Thanks baby... thanks hon" she said and ruffled her son's and husband's hair.
Toshi smiled as he watched his son hug Y/n but that smirk faded when he thought of Y/n being like this. It broke his big heart.
~ Time skip; 2 months ~
Toshi was sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed where his wife was laying. He held her hand tightly, weeping as she drifted away from the world. He cried as the doctors and nurses came into the room to cover Y/n's body.
"Sir, if you may follow me please" a nurse said and they walked out. Toshi took a last glance at his wife one last time before walking out to talk with the nears.
~ Time skip; that night ~
Toshi was sitting in his armchair as darkness covered the room by every minute that past. A whisky bottle in his hand and his and Y/n's wedding album in the other. He closed his eyes as Y/n's face flashed before his eyes, he couldn't hold his tears in. He was broken without Y/n, his wife, the love of his life.
Flashback endToshi was sitting on the couch in the living room with his now 16 year old son beside him. Toshi was reading the newspaper as S/n was looking at the television.
Toshi glanced up from his newspaper and towards the bookshelf, the many photo albums that stood there was now in a box down at the basement. He couldn't bear to look at them.
He then glanced at his son. He was doing fine, good grades in school and many friends. After what happened to Y/n, he had focused on his son and make sure he's happy and safe. He had and is still vowing to hold himself together for S/n, he has decided that he can manage, as long as he never, ever talks about it.
"Dad... DAD!" Toshi comes back from his thoughts and looked at S/n "Yes, son?" He asked and S/n sighed "I'm going to a party tonight at a friend's house."
"Alright. Just stay safe and don't drink too much, call me if something happen" he said and S/n nodded and stood up, walking up the stairs but stopped midway to look back at his father with a sad look.
He knew the pain Toshi was holding in. He knew that he will collapse if he brings his mother up in an conversation so he just let it be. He wanted to ask about her. He wanted to know what she was like because he didn't remember much of her. He remember her voice but he face was still blurry for him.
He walked into his room and walked over to his bed and began to pack his things. He lied about the party... he was staying the night at his secret boyfriend's house.
S/n just wanted to give his father a bit alone time to think things out. Even if it's been about over 10 years since her death. Toshi was still not healed.
~ Time skip; that night ~
Toshi was walking down the stairs to the basement and grabbed a box before walking back up into the living room.
He sat down and slowly opened the box to see the family albums and his wedding album. He smiled sadly and opened one to get on a page that showed a photo of Y/n, Toshi and their new born little S/n. He smiled and stroke a hand over the picture to dust of the dust and mud.
He took a deep and chant breath as the teardrops fell onto the picture. "I miss you, Y/n" he whispered and changed page.
A teen Y/n and a teen Toshi was standing outside U.A. with big smiles. It was the picture they took on the day they started their first year there. They locked eyes and they knew they were gonna be good friends at that moment and maybe something more.
Toshi remembered her beautiful e/c eyes and h/c hair, her smile, laugh, personality... he loved it all.
He looked towards the window and walked over and opened it. He looked out and smiled up at the blue sky, remember the words he told S/n when he asked where Y/n was...
"She's up among the stars"