A prank goes wrong
Small argument
Words: 1516•———————⚡️———————•
You and Denki have been dating for over a year and are currently sitting in his room, on his bed while watching a movie. But you had some other funny plans.
"Yo babe? How are you liking the movie so far?" Denki asked and you shrugged
"It's okay, why?""Well I mean, I enjoying it... but only because I have you here" he said with a smirk
"That was cheesy" you said and chuckled.
"What was so cheesy about that?" You smiled up at him
"Seriously? It's like everything I say, you make fun of..." he leaned close to your ear
"I know you find of cute though" he said and you looked to the side beside you to grab your phone when you felt it vibrate.
"Babe? Baaaabe~? Okay, are you seriously on your phone right now?"
"Yes, why?" You looked at him
"Cause! One of my favorite part are about to come. Can you please pay attention. Please babe..." he said and you sighed and laid your phone beside you. He smiled and hugged you tightly as the two of you watched the movie
Some moments later, you felt your phone vibrate once again and grabbed it.m to text the person back. Denki looked at you
"Are you seriously on your phone again? What's so important? What's the point of watching a movie if you're not gonna pay attention? The main point is that we have t be in this moment TOGETHER... say it with me togeeether" he chuckled and you looked up at him
"You only wanna watch it because you like it and that all your friends like it"
"Okay, that's not the point babe."
"You're just grumpy"
"No, stop call me grumpy, I'm not."
"Yes you are and why are you like this?"
"Because we barely get to spend time together and you're looking at your fucking phone. What are you even doing? And DON'T lie to me" he said and looked at your screen
"Are you texting somebody?"
"Okay it has to be someone... Cause you keep saying "eh"." You pouted and looked at your phone
"Wait... it's not another guy is it?" You smirked
"Are you jealous?"
"Okey, shut up don't even kid about that babe. Then I spank your big but" he said and chuckled. You rolled your eyes and goes back at texting
"Okay, now I'm curious, let me see" he said and leaned over you to see your screen but you just moved away
"No" you said and turned it off.
"Why not? If you're not talking to anyone else then open your phone" you shook your head
"Open your phone" he said in a more strict tone but you just shook your head
"Let me see your fucking phone" you could hear the anger rase in him "Why are you mad?" "Why I'm mad? No, okay, I'm not mad. I just wanna see what you're doing babe... please? It's not gonna kill you, so hand it over for a bit" he said and she sighed and handed him the phone "Thanks, geez" he said and looked at you and smiled