"The Wing Hero" it was a big and proud nickname the male Keigo Takami owned. He's the #2 pro hero and everyone loves him.
He was handsome, kind. But some males just didn't like him because of him "taking" all the girls.
"Omg! It's Hawks!" Some fan girls said as the pro walked past them with a wave. He stopped in front of them and smirked down, the girls blushing and squealing with a high pitch on their voices.
Some feet away stood a girl with h/l h/c hair and e/c orbs, her eyes narrowed at her boyfriend that was flirting with his fan-girls.
"Hi Y/n" Y/n's older brother said. She just mumbled a "hi" and looked away from her boyfriend n's towards her brother that is no other than Aizawa Shouta.
Y/n suddenly felt a arm go around her waist and she directly knew ho it was. Keigo. She glanced at his hand that was on her waist and then glared up at him pissed.
"Ohayō shitty-head" Y/n and Aizawa said in unison and the bird hero whined at them
"So mean! Y/n, you're my girlfriend, you should defend me~!" He whined, hugging her from behind as the girl sighed with a small smirk on her lips.
"Oh yeah? I'm your girlfriend now? Didn't look like it before" She said annoyed and walked away from the two boys
"Did I do something?" Hawks asked densely and Aizawa sighed, shaking his head in the process, to tired to deal with this.
"You stupid idiot," he said and walked after his sister, leaving a confused Keigo on the street to just be surrounded by his fans again.
~ Time skip ~
Y/n's POV
I was sitting on a bench outside U.A High, waiting for my older brother so we can have lunch together when I felt arms go around me from behind. I know exactly who it was. I pushed his arms away from me and stood up to walk away but he grabbed my wrist, holding me in place."Let go..." I mumbled
"Why?" He said with a questioning voice.
"I said let go!" I yelled and wiped my arm away from him and walked over to my brother that was standing some feet away from us.
I leaned on his chest and he held me close, giving Keigo an ugly look.
"See what you did" he growled and the blonde-haired hero just stared at me. I looked away from him, not wanting to see him right now.
~ Time skip; at your house ~
I was finally home, Shouta was still at school to get some work done and Keigo had jerk business. I laid down in my bed and stared at the picture of me and Keigo that was standing on my nightstand. I grabbed it and looked at it properly, we both were smiling brightly, it was our graduation day.
Why I'm like this? Well...
"Why not?""Because it can ruin my reputation baby bird..."
"Hey, Hawks! Hurry up!" One of the other hero's yelled and he gave me a peek on the forehead.
"See you after the meeting, babe" he said and walked out from the building.
I sighed when I heard some girls screaming and squeals. I peeked outside the window to see Keigo being all flirty towards his fans.
'So that's why he didn't want to tell anyone' I thought and made my way home.
Flashback endThat was in the beginning of our relationship and a bit after our graduation from U.A.
I became a hero but I only work at night to skip the attention, just like Shouta.
But Keigo... he wanted to show himself. That's one of the things I like about him that he is so open but not open with flirting with other girls.
It's been some year since we graduated and we sill haven't told anyone except from Shouta. And It's still the same shit Keigo gives and says.
"Reputation my ass" I growled and threw the photo on the bed when I heard my door open
"Y/n? He's here to talk to you" Shouta said and in walked Keigo
"Hurt her again and—"
"I get it! I get it!" He said and Shouta sighed, closing the door, and walked away, leaving me with the bird man.
"You're angry at me?" He asked and I glared at him and he nodded
"Okay... I heard what you said. The thing with a reputation..."
"So, I wanna make it up to you babe... I'm sorry for not thinking of your feelings. How you felt of having a secret relationship"
"You're damn right, you just cared of your stupid fangirls, and your stupid reputation. If I'm right, I would say you're ashamed of me" his eyes widen
"No! No, I could never be ashamed of you babe, you're my everything" I looked at him, staring right into his brown eyes
"If I'm so precious to you... then stop flirt with other girls and tell them that you already have a girlfriend. That's all I'm asking for" he sighed and smiled and made his way towards the bed, sitting on the edge beside me.
"I'll do it, I love you so much my little jealous baby bird" I felt my face heat up and I looked away
"W-Where did that j-jealous part come from?"
"Because you are..."
"Am not"
"Yes you are"
"No, I'm not"
"Oh c'mon, you know you're babe. You can't deny it, you love me"
"S-Shut up, birdass"
"So mean~!"
I giggled as he whined and snuggled his face into my back as I laid on my stomach.
"I love you..." I whispered and he looked at me with sparkling eyes and I smiled and turned so I was laying on my back.
I held out my arms and he crashed into them. His face buried in my chest, making me blush a bit but still got a smile on my lips.
"Love you too, baby"
I smirked be looked at me for continue and I smirked "I wasn't done yet" I said and he chuckled "Sorry. Go on"
"I love you... loser" he pouted
Words: 1048