Title: Please... let us start over (part 2)
Warning: None?
Words: 640
It's been years. Y/n was now standing in her kitchen, reading through her mail when she stumbles upon a letter from U.A High.She grabbed it and opened it and held it in front of her. She read it through and her eyes widen. They had given her a chance to become a teacher at U.A.
Principal Nezu knew that she had hopped off U.A a long time ago but she still had knowledge when it comes to what it takes to become one.
"This will be fun" she whispered to herself but it was a little thing she forgot...
~ Next day ~
Y/n was walking through the school halls, remembering all fun memories. She stopped outside the classroom 2A. She peeked inside and everything was pretty much the same. She smiled but a small frown was still there.
"Y/n?" She heard a males voice say. She flinched and turned to the person. Her eyes widen
"Z-Zashi?" He smiled and sighed in relief
"It's really you" he mumbled and took the opportunity to hug her. She felt her shoulder met with something wet, that's when she realized he was crying.
"Z-Zashi? D-Don't cry it's me see?" She said nervously. Not really ready to see him but she was glad. He let her go and wiped away the tears
"Yeah. So tell me Y/n... how have things been?"
You and Hizashi was now walking towards the principal's office when you suddenly bumped into a hard chest
"Oh... I'm so so...rry" you ended when you saw who it was, now you really wasn't ready for.
"Y-Y/n?" The man asked eyes widen. Y/n and Hizashi was staring at the black-haired man in shock but then gave their best fake smile
"Eraser! How're ya doin'?" Hizashi asked while Y/n stayed quiet. "E-Excuse me, I need to go," she said and walked fast to the principal's office. Leaving the two men in the hall.
~ Time skip ~
Y/n was sitting in the teachers' office at her booth grading papers with the worst headache she ever had. She held her head and Hizashi noticed
"You okay N/n?" He asked the woman nodded
"Yeah..." she said and it all went into silence. Aizawa walked in with a bunt of papers and laid them on his table which was on Y/n's right side. Yay... not really, the room was quiet but the two men were sharing some glances at the girl in the middle. Which she didn't notice until she noticed Aizawa staring at her instead of glancing "Something you need Aizawa?" She asked and goes back to grading the papers. "Why?" "Why what?" Y/n asked.
Hizashi glanced at the two, knowing this is not gonna end well. "Why did we cut the contact between us? Did we do something wrong?" He asked and Y/n stared at the man in anger and finally snapped and stood up, slamming her hand in the table in the process
"What you did wrong? I'm gonna tell you what you did wrong. We were together for a year Aizawa... A year. I was trying so hard to give you and Hozashi the same affection, love, and time I could get but all that time did not matter to you didn't it? You never loved me anyway!" She yelled and started to pack her things in a bag.
"Don't call me that. I only let friends use my name..." she stopped at the door and glared back at Aizawa
"And you're not one of them" she growled and walked out of the office and out of school. Making her way home with her tears streaming down.
'This is all fucked up'