🖤 All Over You...Electric Blue... 💙

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Hey, everyone!!! It's Angel!!! 


I first want to apologize for going MIA and on hiatus...Writer's Block paid a VERY unwelcome visit and stayed for far too long!!! 

I just want to take another moment to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart and so much for all of the requests y'all have made so far!!! They mean the world to me and I PROMISE, they're all coming soon!!! 


I love doing them, please keep them coming!!! 

I also want to take a minute to thank @NikkisLilElisa78 for this AWESOME One Shot request starring one of my favorite guys...the sweet, adorable, and laid-back Spaceman himself; Tommy Thayer!!! 

I hope y'all enjoy!!! 

All My Love, guys!!! 



Era: Present Day/Current KISS/Tommy Thayer 

Third Person Point-of-View 

Warning: Smut (Requested)

Requested by: @NikkisLilElisa78 

"Fantastic show as always, guys..." Doc said, leading the way out among their security guards to where the limos were waiting to take them all to the hotel.

"Thanks, Doc..." Paul then said. "...I do have to admit, I think this was one of our best shows..." He continued. "...that triple rocket fire you did was really awesome, Tom-Tom..." He then commended. 

"Thanks, I wanted to-" Tommy then said, suddenly pausing his words. "-wait...do you guys hear that?" He asked, looking at his buddies. 

"Hear what?" Gene asked, giving him a puzzled look.

"I don't hear anything..." Eric said, shaking his head.

"It's coming from the alley..." Tommy realized, then turning and heading down the back alley of the venue they had just performed at. 

"...Tommy...wait..." Paul called after him as he and the others then followed him. 


Continuing to follow the sound, Tommy soon came upon the source of what he was hearing; recognizing the sound to be a combination of whimpers and what sounded like someone crying. 

Coming closer, his eyes then fell upon the sight of a young girl; seated on the ground, her back against the wall, and her knees drawn up to her chest. 

Her face was hidden as she had her head down and resting on her arms, her shoulders wracking as she continued to softly cry. 

"...wow..." Eric said as he, Gene, Paul, and Doc all caught up. 

Motioning for them to stay back, Tommy then slowly and carefully approached her; being careful and not wanting to frighten her.

"...excuse me, Miss..." He said, keeping his voice low. "...are you okay?" 

Receiving no reply as she continued to cry, he then knelt down; gently touching her arm, causing her to jump slightly. 

"...hey, it's okay..." Tommy soothed her. "...I'm not gonna hurt you..." 

Slowly lifting her head, she then looked up at him; her dark and red rimmed eyes meeting his. 

Remaining quiet for a moment, Tommy couldn't help but stare at her; a scrape ran across the line of one jaw while the black and blue of a bruise was slowly settling in around one eye. 

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