💙 White Lightnin' 💙

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Era: 1970's/Ace Frehley
First Person Point-of-View

The music in this place is nearly deafening and the flashing lights are practically blinding, not to mention the sound of everyone here talking at once is like a constant roar...

Having no other plans though, I let my best friends talk me into coming with them to a concert of their favorite band and one I had never really even heard of until tonight. 

The concert itself was a lot of fun and I may now be a fan of this particular band, especially their lead guitarist; he definitely had my attention the entire show. 

However, listening to my overly fanatic friends yet again, I'm now at a crowded after-party for said band that is completely and totally crazy...

Thankfully I've kept both my bearings and my sense in refusing to drink, though I have had a few glasses of punch from one of the hospitality tables.

"Hey, Y/N, come join us..." One of my friends says, coming over to the table where I'm sitting; a guy I've never met and whom I'm sure she's only just met herself hanging all over her. "...we were just about to hit the dance floor..." 

"No, thanks..." I politely decline.  

No way do I want to be pushed, knocked around, brushed up on, and have my feet stomped all over by people I don't even know...

"...awww, c'mon..." She begs. "...all you've done is sit here by yourself while the party has been going on..." 

"...I just don't feel like dancing, that's all..." I explain, hoping she'll buy my excuse.

To tell the truth, I'm starting not to feel very well at all...

"...suit yourself..." My friend then says, sashaying off and disappearing into the crowd with her newfound companion. 

Feeling a bit warm and flushed, I then decide to head to the ladies' room and splash some cool water on my face to see if that will help. 

Standing, I involuntarily sway a bit; grabbing onto the table as a wave of nausea then hits me. 

This is sudden...and a bit odd...I hope I'm not coming down with anything...

Steadying myself, I then cross the floor; heading for the restroom when I notice my legs suddenly feeling like lead as I begin to stumble. 

The people and scene around me suddenly seem to grow smaller and smaller as my vision then becomes tunneled, my head starts to pound unbearably and my stomach starts turning a series of flips. 

What is happening to me...?

"Hey...are you okay?" A voice laden with a thick Brooklyn accent asks, echoing through my ears from somewhere behind me. 

The restroom seems miles away and a near impossible journey...somehow I manage to drag myself over to a nearby garbage can just in time as my throat begins to burn in warning of what is about to happen. 

"Come with me..." The same voice says, only closer this time as I then feel a pair of strong arms wrapping around my waist and gingerly lifting me from my obviously pitiful perch upon the floor. 

The room starts to spin and I then feel my body going limp...looking up, my vision completely blurs as I'm unable to even catch a glimpse of my rescuer's face.

The world around me seems to dip as I then fall into complete darkness...


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