I'm Pushing Forward and Nobody Dare Oppose

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Discretion was easier when they could land in the hangar of the New Republic building. There was no danger of the crowded welcome Rey had received on Coruscant after she left Tatooine, which she was startled to realize was not very long ago at all. It felt like a lifetime had passed since she had arrived here, desolate and angry at the galaxy but unwilling to admit either feeling to herself. Now she might be a little nervous about how this might go, but was reassured by Ben's presence and the resolution to run away with him if he were not welcomed properly. And then she would still be with Ben! So she could hardly worry about either prospect.

Chewie led the way off of the Falcon, followed by Finn and Rose and then Rey and Ben. They had only gotten about halfway across the hangar bay when Poe, Kaydel, and Lando Calrissian entered from the other side. Ben stopped short and she tightened her grip on his hand. Perhaps it would have been better to let them know about the purpose of the mission, or that it had been successful, without him present to witness the reactions of their leaders. But Rey would not stand for any mistreatment of him, not after everything that had happened, so she was confident they would at least be polite.

"Your mission seems to have taken no time at all, Jedi Rey. Are you always as efficient as you are lovely?" Lando called as they approached. Kaydel, walking at his side, smiled. Behind them, Poe was stone-faced and silent, looking only at Ben.

"Your ship is none the worse for wear, as I'm sure you can see," Rey responded, gesturing with her free hand. She smiled as Lando's attention seemed to be fully on the ship and to have hardly registered their presence. Beside her, Ben was holding his breath.

"Yes, wonderful, I knew I could trust you to fulfill that part of the bargain. Now, for the other part, I've had some dinner brought to my dining room and would be honored if all of you would join me. Even you, you old pirate," Lando added with a grin toward Chewie, who growled in response. Then the man stopped, his smile disappearing. He leaned suddenly on his cane and Kaydel rushed to assist him, greatly concerned. Waving her away, he blinked at them. "Ben?"

It was hardly more than a whisper, but somehow seemed to echo across the empty hangar. Rey was glad no one else was around – Ben was uncomfortable enough without adding more witnesses. His eyes were wide as he stared at Lando, then swallowed heavily. "Uncle Lando," he offered tentatively.

"I'm alright," Lando insisted to Kaydel, then looked at Ben again. "I... it's been a long time, Ben. I wasn't sure – I thought I'd seen a ghost," he added, forcing his cheerful expression to return with difficulty.

"That wouldn't be inaccurate," Rey offered when Ben was silent.

Lando finally tore his gaze away from Ben to look at her. "I see. Well, let us retire to eat – I'm sure you're famished – and you can tell me all about it." He turned around and headed toward the lift. Kaydel shot Rey a questioning glance before she followed him. Rey looked up at Ben to see if he wanted to go with Lando or not. His expression was dazed but he met her gaze with a slight nod. So she started forward and Ben hesitated only a moment before doing the same.

"Wait," Poe murmured when they got close. "I'm not too keen on having him alone with our new chancellor," he said firmly.

"I'll vouch for him," Rey told him, just as firmly.

"Rey, it's okay." Ben sounded almost relieved. She frowned at him, searching his face. Then, more helpfully, she searched their connection – he was afraid, unsurprisingly, and she blushed at how touched he was by her sticking up for him. He looked at her steadily, his resolve to see the situation through quite clear. Well, she would keep running away together as an option, even if he was willing to accept whatever the New Republic threw at him. There was no way she would accept any kind of separation.

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