Chapter 1: comming home

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up at a horrible screaming at the door.


I groaned and looked at the clock. 7:30.

I quickly grabbed one of dudley's too big shirts and jeans and started dressing myself. Today i am going to move in with my parents. Who i just found out are alive. And to mine suprise have more children. A girl from fifteen, a boy fron thirteen and a little girl from five. First it whas a shock to me but now i'm very exited to move in with them.

When i was done with dressing i went downstairs to have some breakfast. It was 8:20 when i was done so i went upstairs to pack my things and waited for them to come.

On ecxacly 8:30 we heard a knock on the door. Mine uncle went to get it. I heard voices but i coudn't make out what they were saying. A few seconds later he came back with fout other people. My parents, sirius and remus.They all smilled when they saw me.

''You ready to go?'' asked my father, it sounded like he wanted to go fast.


Sirius and Remus layed my things in the car. I just stepped in when my mother stopped me.

''Aren't you going to say goodbye?''

 ''Errr...Bye?''I said akwardly to my uncle.

He just grunted and stepped back in the house and closet the door loudly.

I turned back to mine mother who looked confused but shrugged it off.

''Lets get you home, Shall we'' She smilled at me.

I smilled back and got in the car. The car ride took about a hour before we got there.

''Welcome home'' Said dad with a small smile.

The house was not too small but not too big either. Maybe a little bigger than the dursley's. It was perfect.

We all stepped out of the car  and got inside the house. It looked bigger on the inside than on the outside. It was very welcoming.

''Come on, I show you your room after that we can have some dinner''

Dad brought me to my room. It was pretty big with blue wallls and a kingbed.

''its perfect'' I said in awe

''I'm glad you like it...I'm going downstairs i call you when dinner is ready, Ok?''


After about 40 minutes i was done unpacking and doing my homework when i heard my mum calling for dinner.

When i went to the dinner room everyone was already sitting by the table. It wasn't that akward as i thought it would be.My sisters or brothers always had what say. So i just listened.

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