chapter 4

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(the day of mar and my performance and hollis and felix's football game and the anniversary of my dad's death)

i was really nervous to perform at the assembly but i was going to do it for my dad. Mar and i worked pretty well together and he's really creative.

we watch the first dance go up and they were good, i was scared that we weren't going win

announcer: up next is y/n and mariano with song In the Dark by YG

mattia's pov
i watching as mar and y/n go to the center of the gym. the minute they started dancing, everyone starts cheering— of course devin is the loudest


trevor: OKAY Y/N I SEE YOU

y/n was actually good at hip hop it kinda shocked me. she'd definitely be tik tok famous if she tried more.
near the end of the dance y/n throws it back on mar and the crowd literally goes wild. i roll my eyes

ale: mar's a lucky guy
kairi: simp
lexi: no i actually feel bad for him
ale: man lexi shut up

announcer: alright guys, you get to pick the winners. who thinks group 1 won

loud cheers came from all sides of the bleachers

announcer: and who thinks group 2 won (mar and y/n)

the crowd cheers even louder but still, all i heard was devin again.

announcer: and the winner is group 2 !! congratulations mariano and y/n

mariano and y/n hug each other tightly and jump up and down. she had the biggest smile on her face.

y/n pov
i was the first one at our lunch table which was really strange cuz i'm usually the last one
where is everyone ?
a few minutes later i see my friends walk around the corner with roses and a teddy bear. my heart 🥺

hollis: did you think we'd forget it was your dads 1 year anniversary
devin: who do you think we are (she hands me the roses)
y/n: y'all gonna make me cry
felix: he'd be so proud of you y/n. for real. i mean it.

they all embrace me in a group hug and i start crying a little.

mattias pov
lexi: did they really buy her roses and a teddy bear because she won some stupid contest
mattia: i guess so. they're so dramatic

6th period
on my way to 6th period i saw y/n put her roses and teddy bears in her locker
mattia: your friends are so extra
y/n: excuse me ?
mattia: your friends. are. so. extra.
y/n: whatever (she said in a sad tone)
mattia: wow no comeback
y/n: no not today. i gotta get to class

i was a little bit confused but i walked to my class

i sat down at my seat when i hear mar and his friends talking
friend 1: yo congrats on winning mar
mar: thanks bro i think the better gift was seeing how happy y/n was— winning this was important to her
friend 2: why?
mar: she told me after we won that today's the 1 year anniversary of her father's death. she wanted to win this for him.
friend 1: damn bro

my face drops. i had no idea and i called her friends dramatic and extra. i fucked up.

y/n pov:
i didnt wanna argue with anyone. not today at least. i was just happy to see that my friends cared so much— i'm so lucky to have them.

after 6th period i walk to my locker to grab my roses and teddy bear but lexi was there

lexi: you know it's just one small competition right
y/n: whatever lexi
lexi: dont you think the teddy bear and roses were a little bit much ?
y/n: (i smile) no, it was just enough

i see mattia walk up behind lexi
mattia: lexi leave her alone. not today
lexi: says who
mattia: says me let's go
y/n: (i looked at him shocked) wow no comeback ?
mattia: (he smiles) no not today

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