chapter 11

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y/n pov

i jolt awake crying because i had a bad dream about my past— about something that happened that i could never take back.

mattia: hey you okay?
y/n: (i breathe heavily) yea- yeah just a bad dream
mattia: what was it about
y/n: nothing (i say quickly) it was just a dream that's all.

i wish it was just a dream but no matter how many days have passed, there isn't one day where i don't think about the event. fuck i need to get over it.

y/n: are you going to the pool party later?
mattia: yeah with alejandro and kairi. are you going with justin
y/n: yeah i am

mattia's pov
whatever dream she had must been pretty bad. she's acting on edge and different— she was scared. i could see it her eyes and she was trembling like crazy. i wanted to ask more about the dream she has but she interrupted me by asking if i was going to the pool party.

mattia: are you sure you're good ?
y/n: i said i'm fine (she says rudely)

i can tell she immediately regretted her tone so i put my hand on her shoulder and she relaxes right away.

y/n: i didn't mean to say it like that. i'm sorry
mattia: it's okay i know you didn't mean it. i should get home tho. i'll see you at the party ?

she smiles and nods and i climb out her window.


y/n's pov
i decided to go get ready for the party and put on my bathing suit under my clothes

y/n's povi decided to go get ready for the party and put on my bathing suit under my clothes

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justin said that we was almost here so i went downstairs to wait for him


justin: hey was your day
y/n: pretty good i didn't really do anything
justin: well that's about to change

we arrive to felix's party and i saw cocaine and other drugs everywhere. mattia alejandro and kairi were already here by the pool and i saw felix and hollis by the outdoor chairs.

felix: hey youre here (he gives me a hug) sup justin
justin: sup
hollis: devin texted me. she's here.

i see devin and vincent walk through the door and then justin goes up to vincent to greet him.
devin: wanna go in the water ?
y/n: sure (we both take off our clothes revealing only our bikinis) justin let's go in

justin and vincent take off their shirts and walk into the pool with us.

mattias pov
i watching y/n take off her clothes as she's about to go in the water.

ale: damn y/n fine as fuck
kairi: you wish you were justin right now
ale: are they a thing?
mattia: no i think so
ale: should i get at her tonight ?
kairi: i mean you can TRY but i don't think justin will be too happy about that
mattia: i don't know ale i don't think it's a good idea
ale: since when do you think getting pussy is a bad idea
kairi: since he broke up with lexi
ale: dude just sleep with any girl here if you're so upset about it
mattia: i'm not upset about lexi
kairi: yeah just horny
mattia: kairi why dont you try getting laid once in a while.

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