chapter 17

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mattia's pov
devin: you were with taylor ? why?
y/n: she said that she'd only leave me alone if we went out together. like "old times"
mattia: so what happened after? why do you look so messed up ? and why didn't you come home?
y/n: (sigh) taylor- taylor drugged me
hollis: she what?!
y/n: while i wasn't looking at my drink she drugged me. and then i woke in my bra and underwear with two guys in a hotel room. (she starts crying) i-i dont remember what i did or what happened.

i was angry, the thought of someone touching her without consent— the thought of someone touching her in general.

devin: baby you need to go to the police or something. or tell your mom
y/n: NO you can't. all of you— promise me you won't say anything to anyone. promise me.
hollis: why are you protecting taylor ?
felix: he's right, why the fuck should we protect her?
y/n: promise me.

they all said "i promise" except me
y/n: mattia ?
mattia: this is insane. you have to tell someone

she takes my hand and looks at me in the eyes. those eyes that use to shine bright now look broken.
y/n: mattia please
mattia: (i sigh) i promise.

i pull her aside to talk to her alone
mattia: i'm sorry this happened to you
y/n: it's okay i'm fine now
mattia: i was so worried about you, and i should've been. why aren't you telling anyone ? why are you protecting her i don't get it.
y/n: i don't wanna talk about it okay? i just wanna move on
mattia: okay now you have to promise me something. you can't hangout with taylor anymore.
y/n: i-i promise.

i hug her tightly and kiss the top of her head. i wouldnt know what i would do if i didn't have her in my life anymore

mattia: i wish you were mine
y/n: i know.. i do too. but we can't

y/n's pov

when i get home i see justin's car parked outside my house. oh boy
i walk in and see him sitting on the couch

justin: hey your mom let me in- woah you look
y/n: like a mess i know
justin: still beautiful. i dropped off some food, wanna eat ?

as much as i wanted to, justin can't be in my life anymore. taylor was a smart girl and at times she can manipulative and scary. justin didn't deserve all this drama.

y/n: i think- i think i just need a short break okay?
justin: did i do something wrong ?
y/n: no it's just that, an old friend is back in town and she's- quite a lot. i just need to fix things first
justin: uh okay
y/n: i know it sounds like bullshit. i'm sorry
justin: and it's not cuz of mattia at all?
y/n: (he caught me off guard)

he just nods lightly in disbelief and walks out the door.

mattia's pov
alejandro kairi and i decided we wanted to go out that night so we went to a bar

ale: dude is y/n okay? she looked fucked at lunch today
mattia: she'll be fine

kairi nudges me
mattia: i think that girl is checking you out

i turn and see a girl across the room looking at me and smiling flirtatiously and then she winks.
mattia: nah i'm good
ale: she's hot
mattia: she's cute but i'll pass
kairi: bro are you crazy ? why

cuz she's not y/n
mattia: not in the mood
ale: pfffttt
kairi: she's walking over
ale: kairi let's dip

they both get up and leave
mattia: no guys come back

but the just ignored me
girl: hey
mattia: hi i'm sorry but i'm not interested
girl: ouch, you talking to someone ?
mattia: no but i like her a lot
girl: and she doesn't feel the same ?
mattia: she does but we can't do anything about it. she doesn't want to
girl: she's crazy to not wanna be with a guy like you (she puts her hand on my thigh) i can help you make her jealous
mattia: (i laugh) thanks i appreciate it but there's no need.
girl: fine i'll leave you alone. but on one condition... you have to do a couple round of shots with me

what's the harm? i felt bad for rejecting her so i might as well just do a couple drinks with her.

mattia: sure why not. hey bartender can we get two more rounds please.


i drank more than i intended to, but this girl was very convincing. i noticed she seemed fine, like she wasn't even tipsy at all. maybe she's a heavyweight? me on the other hand, i've drank enough to know that i'm drunk. but yet she convinced me to do more rounds.


i wake up in my bed completely naked and then i see her right next to me naked as well.
what the fuck ? when did it even happen ? the entire night was hazy i can't remember a single thing. fuck.

y/n's pov
i open a text message from an unknown number again. i view it and see a picture of taylor naked in bed with mattia while he's asleep. my heart broke.

text from unknown
since you wouldn't tell me if he was good in bed or not i had to test it out for myself. xoxo 😘


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