chapter 9

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mattia's pov
i see y/n down a bunch of drinks and i can tell she was going to do something stupid. a few minutes later she runs onto stage and starts dancing seductively— making everyone in the room look at her. i stare at her and got a little bit turned on and i couldn't take my eyes off her. seeing her move her ass that like made me have flashbacks of the last time we had sex and i craved more.

i wanted to take her somewhere after so we could have a little fun but then i see her leave with justin. okay justin. you win for tonight.

y/n's pov
i wake up and i see justin sleeping peacefully besides me. i stare and smile at him because i remember what happened last night. the fact that he wouldn't sleep with me while i drunk and that he wanted to text my mom to let know i'm safe all lead to signs that he's a good man.

y/n: good morning
justin: mmmm good morning. what time is it?
y/n: 11am.
justin: wow we slept for a while
y/n: couldn't help it, i felt super comfortable
justin: do you want me to make you breakfast or.. lunch ish
y/n: no, i gotta get back home to my mom but i'll text you later okay?
justin: okay.. my t-shirt looks really good on you
y/n: can i keep it ?
justin: take whatever you want

justin drove me back to my house and i see neil's car.
y/n: the future step father and step brother are here
justin: have fun

i smile and kiss him before i get out of the car.

i walk into the house and i see my mom and neil sitting on the couch watching tv
mom: whose shirt are you wearing ? justin's?
y/n: oh yeah he sent that you text
mom: (she reads off her phone) "hi mrs. y/l/n. i'm justin and your daughter is currently with me right now. don't worry i will take care of her and bring her home safely tomorrow morning, i just wanted to let you know she's safe." *selfie of my drunk self and justin smiling*

i was a little embarrassed but i couldn't help smiling when i see the little selfie of us.
mom: he seems like a nice boy.
y/n: he is
neil: where'd you guys go last night
y/n: oh we just went to a party together. mattia was there
neil: oh you guys went to the same party ?
y/n: yup
neil: anything interesting happen ?
y/n: 😳😳😳 nope
mom: okay well i'm just glad you're safe.

i kiss my mom on the cheek and head upstairs to my bedroom. when i walk in i see mattia on my bed playing on his phone.

y/n: mattia why are you in my room ?
mattia: where were you last night ?
y/n: at the club remember? you were there? you punched someone. i said thanks. ring any bell?
mattia: no you fuckhead i meant where did you go after ?
y/n: i slept over at justin's house
mattia: did you sleep with him?
y/n: mattia why does this concern you ?
mattia: i'm just curious that's all
y/n: maybe.. maybe not

i turn my back against him and put my purse away and charge my phone. i heard him and getting up from my bed and heading towards me. he put his hands on my waist and he was so close to me that my ass was touching his body.

mattia whispers in my ears: does he do this as well as me
he starts rubbing my clit through my pants

mattia: does he kiss your neck where you like it

and he starts sucking my neck at the part where i like.

my eyes roll back and lay my head back on his shoulder and let out soft, quiet moans.
mattia: you'll never find someone who does all of this better than i do.

he turns me around and presses his lips against mine. i sit up on my desk without breaking my kiss and felt his hard on between my legs. he started grinding it on my pussy while his two hands were squeezing my ass. we both take off our pants and underwear and he pushes his member into me. we started fucking on my desk and my nails dig into his back, making him moan my name.

mattia: fuck y/n i want you so bad
y/n: mattia dont stop (i moan)

mattias pov
i look at her face while i'm fucking the shit out of her and i see pleasure written all over. she wraps her legs around me to pull me closer and it made me go balls deep into her pussy. i started going harder and more aggressively because it felt so good and i can tell the feeling was mutual. i use my thumb to rub her clit and that sent her over the edge. she came all over my dick and i continue grinding in her— never wanting this to end. y/n moans loudly and i cover her mouth while making eye contact with her until she calmed down. after a few more strokes i felt myself getting there so i pull out and came on her stomach while she helps me rub my dick.

mattia: fuck that was amazing
i fall forward onto her, making our chests touch and we're both breathing heavily.

y/n: that was eh
mattia: oh shut up you literally couldn't stop moaning
y/n: i was trying to make you feel better
mattia: bullshit
y/n: says you mr. "fuck that was amazing"

i roll my eyes. we both sit on the edge of her bed next to each other.
mattia: so who's better ? me or justin
y/n: i wouldnt know
mattia: what you mean
y/n: justin didn't wanna sleep with me cuz i was drunk (she says looking down) i don't know i thought maybe it was an accuse to not sleep with me cuz he knew i wanted it.

i pause and look at her because justin was actually a good guy for not wanting to take advantage of her. any guy would wanna sleep with y/n— look at her. you'd be crazy to not wanna be with a girl like her

mattia: no he was doing the right thing
y/n: yeah i guess
mattia: do you like him?
y/n: he's treated me better any guy i've met. he's good to me—for me.
mattia: (sigh) i'm sorry i've been an asshole to you
y/n: can i ask why ?

cuz a part of me likes you and i wanted to push you away so i can stop catching feelings
mattia: i think it's just cause i'm an asshole in general
y/n: (laughs and nudges me lightly) well you're my favorite asshole

i couldn't help but smiling. her laugh and smile are contagious. we look at each other and then made eye contact for what seemed to me the longest time. i look down at her lips and back into her eyes and i don't know why, but i leaned forward and kissed her.
this kiss was different— it made my heart beat faster and my stomach felt like they had butterflies in them

y/n pov
mattia and i look each other and before i knew it he kissed me. even thou we've kissed a lot already, this particular kiss didn't feel the same as the others— it felt more meaningful.

we were interrupted by mattias phone because someone was calling him

bitch ass hoe🤢🙄 is calling...

y/n: who is that?
mattia: ugh... lexi
y/n: you better answer her

mattia: hello?
lexi: why didn't you answer my messages
mattia: sorry i was busy
lexi: i wanna go eat right now. let's get lunch
mattia: i can't i'm with my dad
lexi: you always flake mattia. go to lunch with me right now. i mean it.
mattia: okay fine whatever.

he ends the call.
mattia: uh i gotta go take lexi to lunch
y/n: (i laugh) i know i heard. she's loud... can i ask you something ?
mattia: what is it?
y/n: i know you dont love lexi, so why are you still with her
mattia: i-
y/n: don't say you do love her cuz we just had sex 5 minutes ago.
mattia: i dont know to be honest
y/n: well here's some advice, you can be with a girl you actually do love right now if you weren't with lexi still. you've probably already met her but didn't even notice cuz of lexi. if she doesn't make you happy, find someone who will. you owe to yourself to be happy mattia, even if you don't think so. (i put my hand on his shoulder and kiss him on the cheek) and that girl will be super lucky to have you in her life

mattia smiles at me and says thank you. he walks out the door and leaves the house
and i hope that girl could be me one day


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