chapter 8

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y/n pov
the dance with mattia felt really weird but at the same time it felt... right. maybe if he wasn't such an asshole and if he didn't sleep with half of the girls in New Jersey... something could've happened.
and if his dad wasn't dating my mom.

justin: you wanna go sit somewhere and rest?
y/n: yeah, can you get some drinks ? i'll be at the couches
justin: for sure. i'll meet you in a sec

i sit down on the couch and examined the room. everyone was having fun and dancing— it made feel positive.
boy: hey princess why you all alone
y/n: oh i'm not i'm actually waiting for someone

he takes a seat
y/n: did you not hear me? i said i'm waiting for someone
boy: i did, i just don't care (he puts his hand on my thigh)
y/n: you got 3 seconds to remove your fucking hand from my body
boy: oh come on why do you gotta be like that

he gets on top me and tries to kiss me but i keep moving my face so he couldn't.

y/n: stop get off of me (i knee him in the balls and stand up to punch him in the face)
boy: bitch (he tackles me back down to the couch)
y/n: you're gonna fuckinf regret this

i try to punch him again but he grabs my wrist and pin both my hands down. since he was on top of me i couldn't use my legs— he was too heavy.
y/n: stop. SOMEONE HELP ME

the boy covers my mouth but someone pulls him off
mattia: hey asshole she said stop (he punches him across the face knocking him down)

i get up and kick him in the balls again as hard as i could with the tip of my heels.
y/n: woo! thank you

justin runs over
justin: holy shit y/n are you okay?
y/n: yeah all good

the guy gets up but justin punches him and he falls back down
justin: security get this man out of here.

security rushes over and takes him outside.
i turn to mattia
y/n: uh thank you for helping me
mattia: no problem (he gets closer and whispers in my ears) only i can touch you like that

i widen my eyes and look at him and he just smirks at me and walks away. now that made my 🐱 feel some typa way

justin: what'd he say ?
y/n: uhh .. that.. he can't wait to become my brother ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
justin: ohh.. that's nice i guess

after that, i went and drank A LOT. justin didn't drink as much as me because he was driving but he's still fun and wild even thou he didn't consume a lot of alcohol. i had a little liquid courage and decided to go on stage and dance seductively.
not long after, i hear devin running up on stage to join me.
i face my back to the crowd and move my ass side to side— knowing everyone was probably watching.
i heard a few girls hyping me up and then i saw justin look at me with lust in his eyes.
oh i know what he's probably thinking about right now😈😈

but then i was interrupted by hollis and felix.
hollis: alright alright that's enough
felix: nothing to see here everyone
boy: heyyy let her continue
boy: i'm tryna see more ass
hollis turns to them: both of you guys shut the fuck up before i have a threesome with both of your moms.

the both of them had 😳😳 look and walked away.
hollis: y/n i think you've had enough fun tonight
felix: yeah you too devin let's take both y'all home.
y/n: no, i wanna go with justin
devin: and i wanna go with vincent

justin and vincent walk up on stage
justin: i can take her back to my place if you want
y/n: yes
hollis: no. i mean no offense justin but we don't know you that well.
justin: i understand
y/n: noooooooo. let me goooooooo. i'm not leaving until you let me go with justin
hollis: (sigh) fine okay
y/n: yayyyyyyy

devin and i both leave with our dates and i go back with justin to his house.


once we get to his room i kiss him immediately but he pulls away

justin: nono you're drunk
y/n: why don't you want me ? (i say with a sad face)
justin: angel i do want you. but i also want you to remember our first time
y/n: i will remember i promise (i kiss him again)

he kisses me back but when i try to take off his shirt he stops me.
justin: kissing is as far as we'll go
y/n: will you cuddle with me then?
justin: yes of course i will. give me your phone.
y/n: why?
justin: so i can tell your mom that you're safe.
y/n: okayyy

after that he helps me change into his clothes so i can sleep more comfortably. we both lay down on his bend and he wraps his arm around me while i lay on his chest and put one of my legs on top of his legs

y/n: goodnight justin
justin: goodnight angel


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