chapter 19

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friday night
i'm at home laying in bed and staring at my ceiling. i realized that id do whatever it takes to just get taylor out of town so i can be happy with my friends.

so i text her
text to taylor

we need to talk

taylor: id love to.
meet me at the bar ?


this was probably a mistake but i do as taylor says and drive myself to the bar.


at the bar
i see taylor sitting down a table reading the newspaper with a drink in front of her. i sit in front of her and get straight to the point

y/n: what will it take for you leave
taylor: i don't wanna leave though
y/n: fine then, what will it take for you to keep your mouth shut and delete that footage ?
taylor: you
y/n: what?
taylor: i want the old you back. i want the partying every night, doing every single drug y/n back.
y/n: and if i go back to the old me, you won't say anything ?
taylor: pinky promise

i sigh and nod.

taylor: great, there's this party in about 30 minutes. let's go together
y/n: i drove my car here
taylor: drop it off at home, i'll come pick you up

i do what she says and take my car home. not long after i see taylor's car pull in front of my house and get in her car.


when we arrive at the party i see so many different type of drugs and alcohol and i immediately get nervous. it's been so long

taylor: this will be fun. you'll see

she takes my hand and leads me to the group of people drinking and doing drugs.

devins pov
i text y/n and still she doesn't answer. i had a feeling that taylor probably took her somewhere again but i didn't know where. i call felix and ask him and he says to text hollis and meet him at his house.

on my way to felix's house i decided to text mattia. i knew he would want to know where she was so i text him to meet at felix's house as well.

i was the first person to get there

devin: i told mattia to meet us here too
felix: why?
devin: cuz he cares about her
felix: i mean i guess..
devin: we would want him to call us if it was the other way around

hollis and mattia walk into the house
hollis: what's up ? what's the emergency
devin: i think taylor took y/n again
mattia: what? what makes you think that?
devin: she's not answering any of my texts and the last time this happened she was with taylor.
hollis: okay well what do we know about taylor
felix: she likes to drink and party and do drugs
mattia: how about we split up and search every bar within the area?
devin: alright bet. hollis you go with felix and i'll go with mattia

everyone nods and we all get into 2 different cars.

after searching all the nearby bars and clubs, there was no sign of y/n and it was getting late.

devin: it's 12am where could she be ?
mattia: i don't know
devin: shit y/n's mom is calling me. be quiet

call from y/n's mom
devin: hi mrs y/l/n
mom: is y/n with you?
devin: uhhh yeah she is. she decided to sleep over. her phone died and she's showering right now
mom: okay just making sure. goodnight devin
devin: good night.

mattia: come on we still have a couple more places to check.

it was now 2 am and we still couldn't find her.

we decide to drive back to felix's house, hoping they had better luck.
when we walked in, there was no sign of y/n

felix: any luck?
mattia: nope
devin: i hope she's okay
hollis: this getting out of hand. taylor's already turning her life upside down and she's only been here for a week. we need to get rid of her.
devin: i don't understand why y/n keeps hanging out with her
mattia: me neither

we all sat down at the couches and doze off to sleep

y/n's pov
i wasn't having fun. i didnt wanna be here anymore. i must've mixed almost every drug i saw together and they were now in my body.

i was laying on the ground against the couch trying to move
boy1: hey y/n you wanna do another line?
boy2: she's knocked out bro
boy1: where did taylor go ?
boy2: probably doing drugs somewhere else or fucking someone
boy1: let's find y/n's phone and try calling whoever's on her speed dial.

i feel someone go through my pocket and take out my phone
boy1: hey uh we have y/n's phone and she doesn't look too good. we don't know where taylor is, can you come get her ?

hollis was the only person on my speed dial, they must've called him.

mattia's pov
i woke up and i look at the time. 6am. devin was passed out next to the me but hollis and felix weren't in the room

mattia: devin. devin wake up
devin: (she jolts awake) huh?
mattia: where's felix and hollis ?
devin: i don't know.

a few minutes later i hear the door unlock and see felix and hollis carrying a girl in. oh my god it's y/n and she was passed out.
i run to them and i quickly carry her into my arms and put her on the couch

i try shaking her shoulders
mattia: hey y/n wake up
y/n: hm?
devin: it's us you're good now
hollis: felix can you pour some cold water on a towel

felix nods and runs to the kitchen to grab a towel.
we put the towel on her forehead and on her neck and i noticed hickeys all over her collarbone.

she finally flutters her eyes open and sits straight up— thinking she was still at the party
y/n: where am i
felix: my house
hollis: you're fine now

we can all smell the alcohol and the different type of drugs on her. she could've died from mixing all of this shit together.
y/n: i feel sick

she runs to the bathroom and i hear her throw up.
a couple minutes later walks out but loses her balance. i run and caught her on time and bring her back to the couch.

devin: you can't keep doing this y/n
y/n: i have to
mattia: but why

she doesn't say anything
hollis: i'm not playing no more, what is it going on.
y/n: (starts crying) i can't
devin: whatever it is we can get through it together
y/n: no we can't (she sniffles) you're all going to hate me
mattia: i could never hate you
y/n: (she shakes her head) but you will. i know you will.
felix: just tell us and we can work it out
y/n: no this is the one thing i can't tell anyone. not even you guys.

i take her hand and look into her eyes so she knows i mean it
mattia: you can tell me. whatever it takes i'll protect you, i always will

devin, hollis and felix nod— agreeing with me.
y/n: taylor.. taylor has a video of me and she'll release it to the public if i don't continue partying with her.
felix: video of a what?

she stays quiet. i didn't wanna say it but i did
mattia: like.. a sex tape ?
y/n: no
devin: then what is it

after a long pause she finally says it
y/n: i- i killed someone.

my face drops.


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