chapter 13

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devin: why would someone send you a package of weed and marijuana ?
hollis: read the note on top
felix: "hey babe i'm back. time to get messed up just like old times. missed you. Love, T." y/n who's T.

i gulp.
y/n: no one (i lied)
devin: baby why are you so scared ?
felix: you're shaking like crazy
y/n: i need to go

i run back in the house and out the front door. i got on the sidewalk and walk back and forth. she's back. the person that knows my deepest secret is back and she can ruin everything for me. i wanted to do nothing more than cry but then i hear someone run out.

mattia: hey are you okay
y/n: yeah i'm fine i just needed fresh air
mattia: you've been on edge all day. why did that package of marijuana and weed freak you out so much ? who's T?
y/n: i didn't get freaked out i just needed air
mattia: but you were outside when you opened it..
y/n: look mattia i'm fine i'm just tired and drowsy from all the chlorine.

i knew that no matter what it took i would protect my secret at all costs. even if it means lying to everyone i care about— they'd never look at me the same and i couldn't have that.

mattia's pov
i knew that she was lying to me, you can still see that she's scared of something but i don't know what it is and i knew she wasn't going to tell me. that was the frustrating part— that i'd never find out what it is cuz even devin hollis and felix seemed confused.

i hear a couple footsteps come outside and it's them.
hollis: T is Taylor isn't it ?
devin: the girl that was your best friend, you mentioned her one time and said you use to be best friends.
felix: but then something happened and now "she's back"

i was confused but i could see that the name taylor really scared her.

y/n's pov
yes taylor, the girl that has the power to ruin my life.

y/n: i gotta get home
mattia: let me take you home
y/n: i rather walk
felix: that's a far walk
y/n: i know
mattia: it's too late right now just let me take you home
y/n: (after a while i nod) uh devin can you tell justin i wasn't feeling well and that mattia took me home ?
devin: sure

devins pov
i knew that when y/n and taylor were friends when she was in a messed up place. her dad had just died and she was finding different ways to cope and different distractions.
back then y/n got fucked up every night, bad grades, always fighting with her mom— the list goes on. she'd be mixing different drugs with alcohol and end up hospitalized and taylor would still encourage her. she was a bad influence for y/n, until one day taylor said she had to go and disappeared. i guess she's back, but i know one thing for sure. she wasn't going anywhere near y/n. if she thinks she can turn her life upside down again, taylor better think twice.

y/n pov
on the ride home i didn't say a word to mattia and i feel him staring at me once in a while. he was worried about me but he was the last person i wanted to find out about what had happened last year.

y/n: taylor where are you going ?
taylor: away
y/n: you're just gonna leave me here ? after what happened ?
taylor: that was all YOU. it had nothing to do with me
y/n: but it did— taylor you know it did. can you stop packing and look at me ?
taylor: look i'm sorry y/n but i can't stay here anymore.
y/n: nothing is gonna happen, only we know about it.
taylor: you can't 100% guarantee that. look i'll be back one day but in the meantime don't call, don't text, don't contact me. you have to understand why i'm doing this
y/n: but i don't understand. if you care about me you wouldn't leave me here to deal with it all by myself.
taylor: sorry y/n. it is what it is.

mattia: we're here

i snap out of my flashback
y/n: oh okay. thank you (i say weakly)

i get out of the car and close door before mattia can say anything else but he gets out of the car and stops me.
mattia: hey i don't wanna go until i know you're okay
y/n: i am okay
mattia: y/n stop lying to me (he raises his voice a little) why can't you just tell me what's going on
y/n: mattia why do you care so much ?
mattia: i just do okay ? i care about you and i'm worried for you y/n (he yells)

i'm a little shocked at his tone and he can see that he scared me a little so he takes my hand.

mattia: i'm sorry i didn't mean to yell at you (he wipes his face with his other hand)
y/n: is there anything else you wanna say ? like.. why you care so much?
mattia: i-
y/n: mattia do you like me ?
mattia: (he sighs) maybe.. no.. yes.. i don't know i'm confused

i lean in and kiss him and he kisses me back. he pulls me close and makes the kiss more passionate. i felt electricity the minute i touched him and it was a wonderful feeling. it was getting a little bit heated up so mattia opened the back of his car and the both of us get in. i lay down and he hovers over me while taking off his shirt and i take off the bottom of my swimwear.
he bends down to kiss me on the neck while inserting two fingers in me and thrusting them back and forth. i moan loudly while grabbing onto his back trying to pull him closer.
he takes off his swim trunks and began pounding into me.
y/n: faster
mattia: i gotchu baby

and he went faster and harder and i started feeling a knot in my stomach knowing i'm going to finish soon.
y/n: fuck mattia i'm gonna cum
mattia: no hold it in
y/n: i can't
mattia: yes you can

he continues grinding into me and after a few more strokes he was finally getting there too. he whispers in my ears
mattia: come for me baby girl

i do as he says and then he pulls out and cums on my stomach.

i wipe it off with a towel and be both get dressed and step outside. i look at him and kiss him one time while putting my arm around his neck and he smiles at me.

y/n: my mom is going to kill me
mattia: how do i tell my dad that i like his girlfriend's daughter.
y/n: and how am i gonna tell my mom that i like her boyfriend's son

the outdoor light turns on and the door opens.
mom: you don't have to tell me, i can clearly see that


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