chapter 22

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mattia's pov
mattia: holy shit we did it
devin: lets go to y/n's house and tell her

we all get into felix's car and drive to y/n's house

y/n's pov
*ding dong*

i didnt even realize that kairi alejandro and i fell asleep. when i opened my eyes, i saw myself laying on alejandros shoulder and kairi had his head on my lap.

i look through the window and i saw mattia, hollis, devin, and felix waving at me. they had a big smile on their face and devin was jumping up and down.

y/n: kairi, ale, wake up. mattia's back

they sit up and rub their eyes— acting surprised that we fell asleep too.

i head to the door and open it for them and devin immediately jumps on me and pulls me into a hug.

devin: we did it ! we did it!
y/n: did what?
mattia: we got rid of taylor
y/n: you what?!
mattia: uh alejandro, kairi, can you guys go outside for a sec?
kairi: sure thing (they walk outside)
y/n: what're you guys talking about ?

they explain the whole story to me and the entire time my mouth was open in awe.
y/n: so the videos gone ?
hollis: yup it's gone
mattia: wait i never asked, how'd you guys get pass her password
felix: oh uh.. it was uh y/n's birthday
y/n: oh.. my birthday?

they nod.
mattia takes my hand.
mattia: but you're safe now. just like i said you would be.


fast forward to 2 weeks later
things have been pretty smooth lately. mattia and i had to meet up privately because of our parents but at least i still get to be near him.

that was until my mom told me that her and neil weren't working out

y/n: what why?
mom: some things just don't work out.
y/n: but everything was fine.. what changed ?
mom: it is what it is okay?
y/n: uh okay

flash back. moms pov
neil: i don't understand what i did wrong ?
mom: nothing neil you're a great man
neil: then what's the problem ?
mom: the fact that i love my daughter too much. ever since she met your son she's always been smiling. even if she doesn't realize it now i think she loves him. i don't think we're there yet
neil: as much as i like you..
mom: ... you could never love me the way you loved your last wife.. i know, me too. nothing could ever replace the love i had for my late husband.

neil takes my hand
neil: you're a wonderful woman and y/n is so lucky to have you as a mother
mom: and mattias lucky to have you

y/n's pov
y/n: aww i'm sorry mom. i know you liked him a lot
mom: i could never love him the way i loved your father.
y/n: i miss him
mom: i do too

i hug her tightly and she whispers to me
mom: and even if you don't wanna admit it.. i know love you mattia

i pull away
y/n: what?
mom: ever since you met him you've given nothing but literal rays of happiness. go be with him
y/n: mom..
mom: i'm serious and i'm okay with it.

i nod and i grab my car keys and drive to his house.

text to mattia

meet me outside

mattia: huh?

come outside

mattia: coming

i see the doors open and a tall figure walks over to me
mattia: what're you doing here ?
y/n: i-i love you
mattia: you what?
y/n: my mom and your dad ended it apparently and i guess it took their break up for me to realize that.. i love you mattia and i wanna be with you
mattia: (a big smile appears on his face) i love you too y/n

he pulls me in for a kiss and we stay there for what seemed be for an hour but it was probably only like 1 fucking minute.

we go inside and lay in bed, holding each other. i wasnt in the mood to do anything except being in his arms and cherish this moment.

he kisses me on the top of my head
mattia: i can't believe you're finally mine
y/n: i always yours
mattia: well now everyone can know

i think after two weeks people finally got the hint that we were together. we did lovey dovey shit like hold hands and kiss in the hallways.
i went to all his soccer games wearing his jersey number and he went to all my dance performances.
my tik tok gained more followers because he started posting about me 24/7 and he would always hold me and kiss me in them.

alejandro and kairi became like brothers to me and devin, hollis, felix, and i remained closer than ever.
finally, a happy ending for me.

taylor's pov
1 month ago

so devin busted me, great. i take out my phone and make one last call before getting my phone confiscated.

taylor: hey
person: hey
taylor: i got busted. im on my way home
person: what? really ?
taylor: you might have to carry the rest of the work
person: (sighs) okay. i'll see you soon taylor
taylor: okay. bye justin
justin: bye taylor

idk if i should continue but for now.. the end thank you for reading 🖤

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