His awakening

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A/N: Hey Frosties! This is the sequal to Pitch's new puppet xD I hope you enjoy! The chapters may vary like Pitch's new puppet. enjoy! (In jacks P.O.V.

Warmth. That was the first thing I thought coming into focus. The room I was in was beautiful, covered in neat nicknacks with the feel of an older style feel. My body was sore and achy. I looked around seeing that I was on a couch near the fire place. The only questions popping into my head was where was I? How did I get here? And who brought me here? What happened.

"Oh good your awake." A nasally boys voice boomed into the room. A boy with black jeans, a loose brown jacket with a green shirt on and bright green eyes stood at the door. He had on converse and his hair was long and shaggy.

"Jamie?" I asked.

The boys head went back in surprise. "Jamie? Who is Jamie?" He asked, walking in to sit on the loveseat on the other side of the livingroom. "My name is Hiccup Haddock, you told me that when I pulled you out of the lake." He said.

I knitted my eyebrows. "You pulled me out of the lake?" I asked.

"Yeah, with the help of Toothless too." He said.

"Toothless?" I asked.

"Yeah my dragon." He said. "We've been friends for what seems like years." He said.

"How did you know I was under the lake?" I asked. I really wanted to know how he knew where to find me.

"Well, after the ice over in Burgess three years ago, I heard a rumor that the famous Jack Frost was down for the count under the lake. I- uh did some digging and heard from a kid named Jamie Bennet that you were there. So Toothless and I wanted to see for ourselves." He said.

I gasped. "My staff!"

Hiccup smiled, getting up he made his way towards what seemed like the Kitchen. He pointed. "Its in here." He pointed at a safe and I felt relieved.

"Back on track, what else did Jamie say? Why was I down in the lake?" I asked.

"Well he said you were down there because of someone named Jack Nightmare." He said.

I feel like I knew that name. But nothing clicked in. Hiccup poked my chest. "Now rest. You can deal with this or leave or whatever after you rest. Okay?" He said.

I nodded, laying my head on the plushy pillow. Hiccup was right. I need myrest. Maybe it will come back to me. Of what happened that night.

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