Chapter 2

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"Tell me." He urged.

Mia looked at the man sitting in front of her. He seemed different from the man she met the previous night. He was more attentive and conversational. He hadn't checked his phone once since he sat down at her table which was surprising seeing as he couldn't take his eyes off his phone at the club. A club filled with hot, sexy, horny girls that he could have taken home easily without having to bat a lash. The girls at the club last night had been all over him and his friend but Andre had left the bar to dance with Izzy and Fred had ignored the girls like flies.

She had been surprised when he stopped her to talk. He didn't seem like the person who wanted to converse with anyone and yet here they were having a conversation she found very interesting. She loved talking to him. His voice was almost calming.


"There's a tone in your voice." He said, "You want to help."

It was more of an observation that a question. He was very attentive when he wanted to be.

Mia nodded.
"The firm I'm planning on opening," She said "I want to do pro-bono. I know it's risky and stupid..."

"It's not."

She looked at him with a sigh.
"I want to be able to help those who are wronged and can't do anything about it." She said "There are so many innocent people in gaol who are there because someone with power put them in there and they can't do anything about it. I want to be able to save lives in a courtroom."

Fred watched the emotion play on her face as she talked about her dream. It was filled with want and happiness at the thought of what she could do in her position.

"First, I have to clear the bar exam." She said

"And you will."

She saw the certainty in his eyes and it made her frown.
"How can you be so sure?"

"Because it's you." He said, "You're determined."

She smiled at him.

Her phone rang and she quickly reached for it.
"Yes, Harry?" She answered

"Can you come a few minutes early, Mia?" Harry asked, "I have to run a quick errand for Liza."

Mia gathered the files on the table
"I'll be right there."

"You're a goddess." He said which made her smile as the line went dead.

Harry was such a flirt.

"I'm sorry." She packed up the files in her sling bag "I have to head to the library."

"I can drop you off if you'd like." Fred offered to get up as she did

"If it's on your way, I wouldn't mind."

He smiled.
"It is." He answered even though he had no idea where the library was.

Mia stepped out of her chair and he followed suit falling into step with her, his hand went to the small of her back in a protective manner and he felt her stiffen. He looked down at her and saw her lick her lips and he quickly looked away before he went stiff.

"Nice ride," Mia said as they rounded his car and he opened the door for her

He smiled
"Thank you."

He made his way back to the driver's side when he shut her door. He got in and slammed the door, fastening his seatbelt.
"So, where's this library?"

Mia looked at him and laughed. His smile froze on his lips as she took a moment to listen to the new and anticipated sound.

"I thought you knew where it was." She said as she put the address into the GPS and he watched her.

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