Chapter 25

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Mia swallowed hard as time slowed as the distance or rather lack thereof between them got even less.

"We have nothing to talk about." Mia placed her palms on his chest and pushed him away but it was pushing against the wall behind her, he wouldn't budge. "Get off of me."

He groaned.
"Oh sweetheart, I wish I was on you."

Mia's hand froze on his chest as she looked up from beneath her lashes, her heart in her mouth as she saw a glint of mischief in his eyes as he smirked.

"If I were on you, you'd beg me; not to get off, but to get you off."

Mia's eyes grew wide as his words painted a clear picture of both of them in that situation. Her lips parted as she gasped in air when her lungs screamed for oxygen. Her eyes fell to his lips as her tongue slid over her dry ones. She swallowed and looked up into his eyes only to find them staring at her lips. His grip tightened on her arm.

"Fuck Mia! I miss the taste of your lips." His jaw clenched and his face etched with pain. "I feel your lips on mine everyday like the kiss happened just yesterday. You are fucking addictive." He said the last past on an exhale.

His hand released her arm and slipped around to the back of her neck, his hold tilting her head up at an angle that gave him easier access to her lips and the pulse on her neck that he desperately wanted to lick. Her mouth fell apart and her breathing became erratic. His eyes found her again and she gasped at the intensity of his eyes which had one dark with desire.

"Fred." She said on a moan as he leaned down to kiss her like a sex-starved teenager with the intensity and fire of a man.

"Mia." They pulled apart at the sound of her name and stared at the intruder.

Josie stared at both of them like a deer caught in headlights.
"I'm sorry to interrupt." She cleared her throat. "But it's time for the speech. Both of you."

Fred glanced at Mia who seemed flustered. Mia nodded and Josie walked back down the hallway before she disappeared. Mia glanced at him and made to leave but Fred grabbed her again.

"What now?" She turned to him.

"We have to talk."

"We have nothing to talk about."

"How can you say that after what just happened?"

"Nothing. Happened." She said.

He blinked.
"You're right. Maybe not right now, but it did two years ago. And after what almost happened right now, you can't say you don't want me too."

Mia felt the twinge in her heart.
"Want. Is that what this is about?"

Fred clenched the hand that wasn't holding her. He wanted to scream No and that he wanted her in every way possible not just physical; wanted to get to know the woman she was now, wanted to be with her every second of every day, wanted to sleep next to her and wake with her in his arms every morning, wanted to make her smile and watch her laugh, wanted to be there for her when she was hurting, he simply wanted her. But he wasn't going to pour his heart out when she was inevitably going to walk away a second time. He knew she was running after something – her dreams, her goals - but what he didn't know was if she was running away from something in the process – him.

Mia pulled her hand out of his grip and walked away. Fred watched her disappear at the end of the hallway. He let out his frustration in one heavy breath before he followed suit and joined the party.

"Izzy and I have spent more than a decade getting to know each other's strengths and weaknesses and flaws, sometimes I think I know her more than I know myself," Mia said a moment later as Izzy smiled at her. "The thing about Love is, it's more than just what the heart wants. Sometimes the heart can be wrong and you need your head to help you figure that out, and other times its right – but does that mean you abandon everything and go for it? You can find love and not be in tune to that person or not accept that person for who they are, but the right kind of love is one where you both accept each other completely for who you are, you understand the person more than yourself, you work well when you're separate but when you're together, you're both unstoppable. Love is more than words, it's in every lingering look, every action, every touch, everything you do with or for that person. Izzy and Andre have been lucky enough to find that kind of love." Mia smiled at the newly wedded couple. "And I am so happy for you. To Izzy and Andre." She raised her glass.

"To Izzy and Andre." Everyone said before the applause started as she got off stage and joined Josie at their table where Fred was seated as well.

"Great speech." Josie smiled as she sat.

"I don't think I can top that." Fred said as he got up with his glass in hand. He made his way to the center and took the mic when it was handed to him. "Good evening everyone. I'm Frederick Zahn, the best-man and the best friend, actually the only friend." Everyone laughed as Andre and Izzy smiled from their seats. "Andre is more of a brother to me. When I first met him, I thought he was the most intolerable, insufferable asshole I'd ever met." Laughter rang out again. "Pardon my French. Then I got to know the person he was under that façade of his which I tell you has grown thicker over time, I'm sure most of you guys have dealt with him on many occasions; Vincent." AFTech Employees laughed as Andre just smiled. Fred looked at his friend and his wife and smiled. "When Andre met Izzy, I knew he was in for a ride, and boy was I right or was I right?" Andre grinned at his friend. "I knew Izzy was special to him when I saw him smile one time and now, he looks like the fucking happiest man on the planet."

"That's because I am the luckiest man on the planet." Andre said to him before he looked down as Izzy and placed a kiss on her lips.

"You guys disgust me." Everyone laughed when Fred said. "But I am beyond happy for you man, for not just finding the right kind of love." He glanced at Mia. "But for finally getting your mood in check. And on behalf of your employees, stay happy; I'm certain no one wants to deal with your devilish attitude. To Izzy and Andre."

"What was that look?" Josie asked Mia when everyone went back to enjoying the party and Fred was out of earshot.

"I have no idea." Mia said as she drank from her flute.

"Mia, are you ok?" Josie asked when she saw that look she was used to by now having spent every weekend together for the past two years.

Mia looked at her.
"I don't know. It's happening all over again."

Josie understood all too well what Mia meant, it was what she called a here we go again moment. Memories and feelings struggled to get out of the box she had locked them in but she cleared her throat and snapped out of it before she opened pandora's box.
"You want to talk about it?"

"Same old story." Mia sighed and Josie smiled at that knowing just how going over and over again in circles could get tiring. It was something she swore to avoid at all costs.

"Dance with me?" Josie snapped out of her thoughts when Fred came up to their table.

Mia looked at him and shook her head.

"Nah-uh. I'm dead on my feet. You know how I fucking hate heels."

"No offense Josie but even if you weren't, I would rather dance with Mia." Fred said, his gaze on Mia.

"I'm really not..."

"Just one dance." He said.

Mia sighed.

"C'mon Mia, I promise I'll behave except you don't want me to."

Josie hid her smile on the rim of her glass and she took a sip.

"Fine. Just one dance." Mia said as she placed her hand in his and was whisked away to the dance floor.

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