Chapter 17

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The weeks went by in a flash. Mia and Fred were always together, enjoying each others company and they were at a point where they were both happy, comfortable, relaxed with the other person around. Although Mia was happy, she had been anxious and on edge for a few days with the bar exam results out and having to wait for hers for a few days too long.

One morning, Mia laid awake in bed. She had been waking up far too early for the last couple of days and she just laid in bed and let her mind wander.

"Mia?" Izzy called from downstairs. "You've got mail."

Mia's heart rate went off the roof as she got out of bed and ran down the stairs before Izzy could think of taking a step towards the kitchen. Izzy looked up as Mia ran down the stairs to her.

"Is it...?"

"Yea," Izzy replied before Mia could finish.

Mia's shoulder sagged in relief but then straightened again as Izzy handed her result to her. Mia took it from her and just stared at the envelope for a moment.

"Do you want me to stay back and open it with you?"

Mia looked at her. Izzy who was now one of Laurieann Gibson's dancers has been busy with rehearsals for a new show and Mia knew how important that was to her.
"No, no." She said. "You have to leave for dance rehearsals now else you're going to be late."

Izzy studied her.
"Are you sure?"

Mia nodded.
"I need to do this on my own."

"If you're sure then," Izzy said before she placed a kiss on her forehead before she walked out the door and left Mia alone with the answer to her future.

Mia stared at the envelope for a little while longer after Izzy left. She walked up to her room and sat on her bed with a heart that weighed heavily. She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed heavily as she opened the envelope.

"Here goes nothing." She said as she straightened the paper and began reading.

Mia felt her heart sink as she read the words and when she stopped reading, her hands were trembling and her heart weighed heavier than it did a few seconds ago. The paper slipped from between her fingers and fell to the carpeted floor as she stared into space. Her lips trembling as she held back the cry of pain and disappointment that was threatening to pour out of her.

Funny how your life can change in a single moment. One second and you step into a whole different territory you never expected to have entered. You begin to see the world and your entire life in a whole different light...or rather darkness. Her dreams crashing before her eyes all thanks to her. She had put everything she had into the exam and this is what she gets in return.

She had no idea how time went by, but it did and she wasn't aware. She was stowed away in her room, from her bed to pacing, thinking about what was next for her, to sitting at her table and making her next plans. In twelve hours, she had gone from grieve to acceptance, to planning, finally to getting over it. Or maybe she was trying to stay strong for there was no use crying over it. What was done was done. She couldn't go back and re-write the exams. She could only think about what her next step was.

"Mia?" Izzy called when she arrived at their apartment that evening. "Mia?" Izzy called again when Mia was trapped in her own thoughts.

Izzy walked up the stairs and into Mia's room to find her seated at her reading table, elbow braced on the table and head in her hand.

Izzy thought.

Izzy walked towards her and sat on the edge of the table and just waited. When Mia raised her head up to look at her, Izzy frowned with a sigh. Mia swallowed and shook her head.

"One year of constant practice and one month of vigorous studying and this is what I get?" Mia asked in a voice that killed something in Izzy. "Just one mark less. That is even more painful than having to fail by a few marks."

"It's going to be alright." Izzy said.

Mia sighed and then the tears she had been holding back throughout the entire day came pouring down. Izzy leaned down and hugged her.
"You're going to be ok," Izzy said. "This isn't the end."

Mia nodded.
"I know. It's just, I worked so hard to clear it once and for all and this."

"I know how hard you worked but everything happens for a reason."

Mia pulled back and looked at her.
"Maybe you're right."

Izzy frowned when Mia wiped her tears.
"I am?"

"Yea." Mia nodded. "My parents are with Aunt Marg and she's been telling me to come to stay with her for a while now. I think I'll go there and just...clear my head and just think."

Izzy's eyes went wide.
"But your Aunt Margie lives in Chicago."

Mia nodded.
"I need to do this. I just need to be away for a while."

Izzy sighed.
"If this is what you want then I won't stop you. But I think you should think about it for a while, you're making a spontaneous decision and that isn't good with the way you're feeling right now."

Mia nodded.
"I'll think about it tomorrow."

Izzy nodded.
"Have you had dinner?"

Mia looked at her and shook her head.

Izzy raised her brow.

Mia shook her head.


"No," Mia said. "I wasn't hungry."

"You have to eat something."

Mia groaned
"I'm really tired." She said. "Just order pizza or something. If I wake up hungry at night, I'll eat it."

Izzy sighed and nodded.
"Ok, go to bed now. Stop thinking."

Mia got up and walked right into her bed while Izzy tucked her in before she walked downstairs.

Mia woke up sometime during the night starving. She found the pizza and her favourite drink in the fridge. She took them to her room and sat on the carpet and ate preventing her thoughts from taking root again. She'd think when she woke in the morning. Now, she just wanted to have a peaceful night.

She went to bed again pushing away the thoughts that were forcing its way into her head. She was scared of what she was going to decide but she would leave that for the next morning.

She thought and her eyes drifted shut.


How's everyone doing? How's the Lockdown treating you?

For my Indian readers, the Lockdown has been extended till May. I'm stuck in College, no trains, no flights, nothing, so I can't leave.

Tell me what you guys have been up to and how your days are like.

Mine? I wake up some time around 11 cause I go to bed after 4/5 in the morning. Then I have lunch, do yoga or sing or write more chapters for Lingering Kiss. Then I read if there are new materials uploaded for my class, do assignments, I've been getting a lot of those. Then I'm on Instagram, WhatsApp or Snapchat a lot. Finally I have dinner and pick up a novel and read till I fall asleep at 4/5, then repeat. 😂😂

I just keep busy so I don't lose my sanity.

Till next Saturday. Stay safe guys. ♥️

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