Chapter 4

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Fred texted Josie with one hand as he and Mia walked to his car with his other hand around her.

He opened the door and waited for her to get in before he shut the door and rounded the car and got in. He started the engine and pulled out of the car park.

"Where are we going?" Mia asked

"Where do you want to go?" He asked her.

She turned to him.
"The Café."

He turned and smiled at her and she returned it. His gaze dropped down to her fingers which were playing on her lap and he shifted in his seat.


Josie had said her outfit was short but she hadn't said how short. The jumpsuit was so revealing it should be illegal. He peeled his gaze away from her legs and fixed it on the road. He was very tempted to glance at her the entire drive to the café but he stopped himself every time.

They made their way inside the quiet café and he let Mia walk in front of him, mostly to cover her from anyone who tried to look at her ass which he already his eyes on.

She was killing him slowly with her little outfit.

After they ordered, they were seated at the same table they sat the previous day which made Mia smile.

"What is it?" He asked when he caught her smile.

"We already have a table."

That made him smile too. The way she gave something so minute so much importance.
"We do."

Mia snuck a glance up at him to find him watching her. She looked out the window at the brightly lit road. She sighed at the sight of the peaceful street. This was her favorite place to come especially at night when everyone was either home or at a party. There were no clubs nearby, so that meant just a few people walked the street and no cars going by in a flash.

She sipped her cocoa latte and closed her eyes for a second to take in the taste. Every time she had it, it was like her first time all over again.

Fred studied her like she was a unique diamond. Her reaction to everything was beautiful and when she licked her lips after the first sip of her drink, he swallowed. Hard.

Clearing his throat, he asked
"How far are you with the cases?"

Mia turned to look at him. He remembered. The guys she had dated hadn't even taken the time to ask about her job, let alone remember any detail about it.
"Just a few more." She said, "I wanted to stay back to finish it up but the girls wouldn't have it."

"I'm glad you didn't," Fred said in a low tone that made Mia's breath catch.

Was he flirting with her?

"So, Josie tells me you're here to get in business with Adley. How's that going?" She asked, changing the topic to a safe one.

"I actually got them signed yesterday," Fred said with a proud smile.

Mia's face lit up
"That's amazing. I'm so happy for you." She said


Mia looked down at her drink
"You're leaving soon then." She looked back at him.

Fred took a moment to study her before he answered.
"I decided to stay back for a while longer."

The glint in her eyes was easy to miss but it didn't go unnoticed to Fred.
"Oh," Mia said in a low tone even though she wanted to hug him. "Any reason why?"

Fred's lip broke into a slow grin as he leaned back into his seat with his hands on the table, eyes fixed on her the entire time.
"Have to take in the sights and get a feel of things."

Mia nodded slowly.

"I need a tour guide." He said, "Maybe you could volunteer."

Mia smiled.
"I would love to but you know the nature of my job."

"I do." He said, "I'll make plans with Josie then."

Mia smiled in approval.

"But..." He began

Mia waited
"But what?"

"One day out of your off days, you have to show me your favorite places to dine and have fun."

Mia smiled.
"I actually have one more week at Cross & Cross." Mia said, "Then I've got exactly one month to prepare for the bar exam."

"That close Uhm?" Fred said

She nodded as she thought his offer through in her head.

"But you can't read 24/7 for the next month, you have to take a break somewhere in between," Fred said

Mia looked at him. He was right. She couldn't read all day for the next 5 weeks. She'd have to take a few hours to herself.

"You don't have to say anything now." Fred said, "When you're exhausted from studying so hard and want to take time off, you call me and I'll be there."

Mia's words were stuck in her mouth. She didn't know what to say to that. He was flirting with her, asked to spend time with her, and yet he remained sweet and understanding.
Mia couldn't help the heat crawling up her cheek as she watched him watch her.

Fred thought she was cute, the way she tried to hide her blush from him.
"You look beautiful."

Mia did a double-take. Back to flirting.

Fred had no idea why he said that but it was the truth and he had thought it all night just hadn't said it out loud.
"I've been meaning to say it." He explained, "I mean you looked beautiful yesterday without the makeup but with it on, it brings out more of your beauty."

Mia stared at him in shock. How many guys take the time to see and understand that. It was probably every girl's dream to have a man who understood the importance of makeup to them.

"I-I..." She stuttered and he smiled.

She was adorable.

Mia got her mouth to work in sync with her brain as she cleared her throat.
"Thank you." She said, "No one's ever taken the time to compliment me like that."

"I'm glad to be your first," Fred smirked and Mia almost melted in her seat.

Damn, he knew what he was doing to her.

Mia raised the cup to her lips and drank down the cold liquid which cooled her down instantaneously.

"So...," Fred began as he leaned closer to the table "the night's still young. Anywhere you want to go?"

Mia licked her lips and smiled having no idea what that little movement did to him.

She knew just where she wanted to go.

Hello again,

So it's past midnight and I just realized I forgot to update yesterday. I came on here and found this chapter that was supposed to be on Saturday and now I'm confused.

I must have forgotten to post it. Anyway, here's a double update.

J.L. ♥️

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