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Six Months Later.

It had been one hell of a couple of months. After she arrived back in Chicago, she had had case after case. Richard and her other co-workers whom she had planned a trip with, after the case she and Richard had been working on before she left for Izzy's wedding, had two weeks left on the vacation they took. She had called Richard and every one of them to apologize for bailing on them last minute then she handled a few cases for them when they returned as an official apology.

The little time she got between work, sleep, eat, and repeat, she was spending on the phone with Fred. She hadn't been able to go to Seattle during the weekend as well because the cases she has taken wasn't something she could do while she was away, she had to be in Chicago to do them. She hadn't seen Josie since the wedding and Fred since he dropped her off at her apartment after they landed in Chicago. Fred as well also had a lot to take care of after being away for weeks, so he flew back as soon as he saw her into her apartment and kissed her like it was the last time.

After a hectic couple of months for both of them, Fred was flying in to come to see her. She was all smiles the entire day and completely over the moon when she left work and immediately went home to get ready because he had called to say he was taking her out. Mia caught herself constantly checking the clock as she got ready, her heart was in her mouth as the time ticked closer.

Thirty minutes before Fred was supposed to arrive, Mia was ready and excited for his arrival. She sat in her kitchen and stared at her phone. She was supposed to meet him downstairs at exactly seven and she was sure she would die of anxiousness to meet him in the next minute. She jumped when her doorbell rang and frowned as she got up and made her way to her door. She hadn't ordered anything and she wasn't expecting anyone asides Fred.

Mia's heels clicked on her apartment floor as she made her way to her door and pulled it open, she froze and he smiled, his hands against either side of the doorpost as his gaze ran the length of her.

"You're early." She breathed.

"I probably broke a lot of traffic rules getting here." He took a step inside her apartment.

"I was supposed to meet you downstairs."

"I couldn't wait." He took the last step to close the distance between them, slipping one hand around her waist as he yanked her against him. "Fuck Mia, I missed you."

Her heart was hammering in her chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I missed you so damn much."

Fred kissed her then and there because he needed her to keep breathing and seeing her after six months was torture.

His other hand slipped to her curvaceous ass that was imprinted in his hand as he deepened the kiss.

"If we stay any longer, I don't think we'll be going anywhere," Fred said breathlessly after he pulled away from her.

Mia smiled.
"We don't have to go anywhere."

Fred groaned.
"You are not helping the situation." He warned. "I want this night to go as planned."

Mia huffed and unwound her hands from around him.
"Fine. Let's go then before I take my clothes off."

"Woman!" Fred swallowed hard as he looked at the ceiling.

Mia laughed as she went to grab her bag and then met him at the door again. They walked hand in hand to the elevator and out her building all the while gazing into each other's eyes as they couldn't help themselves.

"So, where to?" Mia asked when Fred was seated in the car after helping her in.

Fred looked at her and smirked.
"About that..."

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