Chapter 18

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Mia had had the entire day to think about what her next decision was going to be. Either she was going to continue in Leicester or she was going to move to Chicago with her Aunt Marg and find something there for her.

Before she could back out or have her mind changed or get convinced to stay by someone she had been avoiding for the last couple of days, she booked a ticket by lunch and went into work. She spent the entirety of the day avoiding Marco's and sending a text to him that she was homesick so he wouldn't show up at the library. She had a chat with Harry about leaving until further notice. He was of course surprised at her sudden decision to leave but she assured him everything was ok and she was just taking time off after taking the bar. Harry understood and was happy she was taking some time for herself. Harry sent her away early so she could pack since she barely had time.

On her way home, Mia asked herself why she was truly leaving so quickly. She could have booked a ticket for sometime later during the week but she had booked the first available ticket she could find that was going to Chicago and she wondered if it had anything to do with Fred. She snapped out of her thought when her phone rang for the umpteenth time since she texted Fred. She had left his messages unread because she didn't want to be swayed into seeing him before she left.

And there it was.
She sighed.

She was leaving so quickly because of him, because of Fred. She was terrified. What she and Fred had scared her and she was terrified to go any further with what was between them. The new feelings he sparked up in her when he was around was both hypnotic and weakening. He made her feel powerless and that was something that scared her. She liked being in control of every situation and with Fred, that control seemed to be non-existent. She loved that she could handle a situation on her own, stand a ground on her own, be the woman she always wanted to be without a man. Or maybe with one but she had never imagined someone as dominating as Fred. She had watched him closely for the past couple of weeks and he was always in check, always had his head on straight while she was trying to get a semblance of the control he exuded.

Mia sighed just as the taxi pulled up in front of the apartment, she got off and paid him before she made her way inside the apartment that she would soon be out of. She made her way to her room and pulled out two of her trolleys. She plugged her phone to the speaker and pressed play on her playlist. She was picking out her clothes when her phone rang. She walked over to her phone and smiled at the caller ID before she picked up.

"Hey, girl." Mia said.

"Hey you," Josie replied as Mia got back to packing. "How are things going over there?"


"What's wrong?" Josie asked liked she sensed something was wrong.

Mia frowned.
"Did anyone say anything to you?"

"By anyone, you mean Fred," Josie said. "And no. Fred doesn't say anything about what's going on between you guys just that he's really in a happy place after so long."

Mia's heart thumped at that. And she was leaving him.
"I failed the bar." She blurted out.

Silence filled the room and Mia frowned thinking the line had been cut.
"Josie, you still there?"

"I am," Josie said a little quietly. "I'm just really shocked. I don't know how you must be feeling but I know it wouldn't be a good feeling."

Mia sighed into space.
"I just need to breathe."


Mia smiled.
"And I'm going to Chicago to stay with my Aunt for a while."

"You're coming to the US?" Josie squealed. "Of course, the news about the bar is sad but I'm so glad I'll get to see you even if I have to travel to Chicago, but it means you'll be closer."

Mia smiled for the first time since she saw her result. She was also glad that Josie would be nearer.
"I'm looking forward to it."

"So, when are you leaving. Not in a month, I hope."

"I leave tomorrow."


"Jo?" Mia frowned again.

"I'm sorry but did you say 'Tomorrow'? As in, the day after today?"

Mia smiled.
"What other kinds of tomorrow are there?"

"Damn Mia but no one's chasing you out of Leicester, why so fast?"

"I just really need to breathe new air."

"Go to the nearest beach."

"I need to be away."

Josie understood that.
"Does Fred know?"

"Nope. And I don't plan on telling him."

"Oh, Mia." Josie said sadly. "I'm not going to tell you that's a bad idea even though I just did but it's your decision but you should know Fred is going to be really hurt. He hasn't been this serious about anyone since..." Josie sighed.

"His ex," Mia said.

"He told you."

"No. I just know she did a number on him." Mia had been dying to ask him but she didn't want to push him.

Josie sighed again.
"Fred is..." Josie began but stopped. "I'm not going to say anything else just be sure this is what you really want to do."

Mia nodded but remembered Josie couldn't see her.
"I'm sure."

"Alright then," Josie said. "I'll travel down to Chicago on Friday to spend the weekend with you. Is that ok?"

"That would be amazing." Mia smiled now looking forward to her travel more than before.

"Alright. Talk to you real soon." Josie made kissy noises before she went off leaving Mia with her nearly empty closet and a bed filled with clothing.

"Here goes nothing," Mia said as she began folding and putting her clothes into the trolleys.

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