Chapter 35

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Fred headed up the stairs to his dad's room with Marty close behind. He turned left at the top of the stairs to find the door to his dad's room slightly open. He pushed through it walking further into the room towards his dad's bed where Dr. Campbell was seated on the edge of as he closed his briefcase.

Fred stood at the end of the bed and watched his dad's sleeping form. Dr. Campbell rose from the side of the bed and noticed Fred.

"How is he?" Fred asked without taking his eyes off his dad.

"He's tired but he'll be fine. He just needs a lot of rest."

Fred just stared at his dad not saying anything. The IV drip his dad was fixed to didn't go by unnoticed which brought him back to three years ago when his dad had his first heart attack, which was around the same time he broke up with Natalie. His dad ran a privately owned company, a branding agency that worked with top companies in Iceland. He was always on top of every project, every offer, everything which Fred figured wasn't always smooth sailing for his dad to have a heart attack. Fred had flown out to Iceland for the first time then and the sight of his father in his bed had left him speechless. To see one of the strongest men he knew lying in his bed, weak. Fred had waited until morning to deliver the news to the rest of the family but when his father had woken up for a few minutes in the middle of the night he had made Fred promise not to say anything to his mum or sister; he didn't want to worry Fatima or Ulani. Fred hadn't liked it but he knew his mum and sister would be devasted. So, he had flown Marty and Renee from the family home in the US to be with his dad. His mum was sad letting go of them as they had been with the family for a long time. But Fred got other young reliable people to help his mum around the house and made sure Marty and Renee knew what they were getting into.

Fred sighed.

"Just give him some time to rest." Dr. Campbell placed a hand on Fred's shoulder.

Fred nodded.

"I'll be staying over to check him at night."

"Thank you." Fred glanced at the doctor before he was left alone to be with his dad.

Fred had no idea how long he stood at the end of his dad's bed before he left the room to head to his quarters.

Mia had found her bag in the middle of her room after she had got out of the similarly large en suite bathroom. She would have indulged in a bath but the current situation would not let her relax the way she would have liked to, so it wasn't worth it. Which was why she had opted for a shower instead. She slipped into something warm; she may have packed for Leicester's weather but she definitely hadn't packed for an Iceland weather. She was tired but she also wanted to wait for Fred and ask how his father was doing. So, she went out of her room, walking past the stairs on her right, she went down the wide hall and stopped at the center, the view on her left caught her attention. She turned left and walked towards the floor to ceiling window, a cozy looking built-in sofa with lots of cushions calling her name. She sat down and immediately sunk into the soft sofa. She slipped her off her faux fur sliders and lifted her leg onto the sofa; she reached for the blanket at the end and unfolded it over her legs and to her lap. She grabbed the largest cushion and hugged it, her head resting on top of it as she stared out, past the greenery, and at the water further away, where the moon's reflection danced upon.

Mia didn't know how long she waited before she fell asleep which was how Fred saw her when he reached the top of the right stairs half an hour later. He stopped at the top of the stairs and just stared at her for a moment before he walked towards her. Her neck would be sore in the morning if she slept that way the entire night. So, he slid his hand behind her back then pushed the cushion and blanket off her before he slid his other hand beneath her leg and lifted her into his arms. Mia snuggled into him; her head buried in his neck as he carried her to her room.

Gently, he laid her in the center of the bed, adjusting her head on the pillow. He reached for the blanket at the end of the bed and pulled it over her up till her neck. He stared down at her before leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead.

He felt bad for not being with her since they arrived. And he had been distracted throughout the flight, he didn't explain why the changed course or tell her where they were going. He had been a complete douche; he should have at least explained to her what was going on and where they were going instead of keeping her at a distance. Her presence here was enough for him but he had no idea how long he would have to stay this time and she needed to get back to Chicago.

He would see that the jet was ready to depart the next day and have Mia flown to Chicago, that was the least he could do after everything he had put her through in one night.

He sighed as he rose from the side of her bed and walked towards the door. He glanced at her one last time before he walked past the door and shut it behind him. He went to bed, tired, angry at himself, scared because of his dad and anxious. He stood beneath the shower letting it all wash away, clearing his head. For now, he just needed a good night's rest, in the morning, he'll embrace the day with some positivity. He got into the bed after he put on his briefs.

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