Chapter 36

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Mia woke up the next morning, well-rested and laid out in the bed.

She frowned, her forearm propping her up as she moved to sit up. She looked around the room and at the bed she was in, having no memory of coming to bed. She pushed the blanket as her legs went over the bed and her feet touched the carpeted floor. She looked around the room again, this time taking in everything like she hadn't been able to last night. There was a sunset painting on the wall opposite the bed, a few feet from the door on the left, and the en suite bathroom on the right. A closet on her right and a vanity backed up the same as the bed. Light shone through the cream curtain that began from the corner of the bedroom door past the bed and the vanity.

There was a lamp on the bedside table and she saw something which looked like a remote; she picked it up. The small remote had five buttons placed vertically, she pressed the first and all the lights in the room came on, she turned them off. She pressed the second one and heard nothing, she frowned and pressed it again, nothing. She pressed and held it this time and watched as the room filled with so much light, she looked up to find the curtain was drawing away from the door and past her bed. She took her thumb off the button and pressed and held on the third button which drew the curtain shut but she took her thumb off after to came past her bed, leaving just a portion open for the light to come through the floor to ceiling window. The view was impeccable and serene, it made her sigh and smile at the importance of small things like a view. She returned her attention back to the remote and pressed the fourth button and heard nothing.

"Mia, do you need something?" She jumped when a voice asked.

She frowned.

"No, Renee. I don't..."

"I can't hear you, sweetheart. You have to hold the fifth button to speak."

"Oh," Mia said as she pressed and held the fifth button. "Thanks, Renee, I don't need anything. I was just curious."

"I forgot to tell you about the remote last night. You use it anytime you need something from the main quarters."

"I will. Thank you."

"Breakfast will be ready in thirty. I'll have it set up in Freddy's quarters."

"No. We'll come to the main quarters."

"Ok sweetheart."

Mia placed the remote back on the bedside table and got up from the bed. She didn't find her sliders and remembered she had taken them off last night in the hall. She walked out of her room and found them, she slipped her feet into them and continued to Fred's room.

Mia didn't know if he was awake or still asleep, so instead of knocking and risking him waking up after the long night they had, she turned the knob and pushed the door open. His room mirrored hers, except for the masculine touches like the dark closet which matches the curtains that had been drawn till the last. She took note of his half-naked form, as she walked towards the side of his bed, the blanket tangled with his legs from the waist down. His hair a tousled mess that made him look sexy and he looked so peaceful she just wanted to watch him. She went on her knees at the side of his bed and sat back on her heels, crossing her hand on the edge of the bed, she placed her head on her hands and just watched him.

She had been there only a few minutes when Fred stirred in his sleep. She watched his eyes open and he stared at the ceiling, she could hear the wheels turning in his head. He adjusted his left hand beneath his head and without meaning to, his eyes found hers and he frowned.

She smiled.
"Good morning."

"What are you doing there?"

"Watching you sleep."

Fred's frown turned to a smile and he extended his left hand to her.
"Come here."

Mia was up and in his bed without a second thought. She placed her head on his chest and her hand flung over his center. They were quiet for a moment just listening to each other's breathing.

"How's your dad?"

Mia's head lifted as Fred's chest expanded and dropped in an exhale.
"I haven't had the chance to talk to him but the doctor says he'll be fine."

Her fingers traced meaningful nothings that seemed to calm Fred. His left hand came on her shoulder and his fingers mirrored the movement of hers.
"I'm sorry about yesterday."

Mia frowned wondering why.
"What for?"

"I wasn't very accommodating after the phone call."

"Which is very understandable," Mia said. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

Fred was silent for a moment before speaking.
"I'll have Octavio prepare to fly out."

Mia frowned and lifted her head to look at him.
"We can't leave with your dad's condition."

He looked at him.
"Not 'we', you."

Mia pulled away from his embrace.

"You're supposed to be in Chicago today." He said. "You wanted to be at the final hearing to that..."

"Nothing is more important than being here to support you."

"Mia, I don't know how long I'd be here for, you should head back," Fred said as he pushed up from the bed, sitting upright.

Mia just stared at him speechless. With a sigh, she swung her leg over his, straddling him. She cupped his face in her hands and stared into his eyes.
"You listen to me closely Frederick Zahn; I. Am. Not. Going. Anywhere. So, don't try to push me away. You don't just shut me out when things get rough for either of us. I am going to need you and you're going to need me, right now you need me and I'm not going to abandon you." She paused. "I Love you, through the good, through the bad and through the fucking ugly."

Fred leaned back and frowned.
"Did you just cuss?"

Mia smiled.
"You're not the only one who can."

Fred smiled and just thought of how lucky he was to have her. He grabbed her waist and pulled her down on his lap which made her yelp.
"I fucking love you."

"I fucking love you too." She said smiling at him.

"Let's leave the cussing to me." He frowned not liking it one bit.

"So, you can and I can't?"

"I'm bad and dirty and your goodness balances it out."

She smiled.
"Deal. But only on the condition that I get to be bad once in a while."

Fred smirked and groaned when she moved her waist pressing down on him.
"Hell-fucking yeah." He leaned back down into the bed pulling her along as she giggled and as much as he loved hearing that sound, he needed to kiss her so bad.

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