Chapter 3

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That night, Fred went to Andre's to talk about the Adley deal and the conversation went from light but ended up with him thinking so hard about her.


He hadn't been able to get her off his mind since. She intrigued him and that was something seeing as nothing has ever piqued his interest before. She was beautiful, sassy, sexy, ambitious, and passionate and that was just his first impression about her. He wanted to get to know everything that she was; the woman she was by day, at night, and everywhere in between. She was something and because of her, he had decided to stay back with Andre. He would take care of the business from here with Vincent overseeing things from there.

It had been a while since he had been interested in a woman and Mia wasn't even trying like the other women were. She was a breath of fresh air and he had taken a whiff, now he wanted it permanently. It's like an addiction. Tasting something for the first time and being unable to stop, except this wasn't unhealthy but it was just as dangerous for him as drugs to an addict.

Andre had asked him to come along to the Wizkid concert which he had wanted to go to in forever, but after they got out of college, he was to busy to think of such things. But now, they were both not doing anything, so he decided to go along with his friend. They had called Josie to see if she would accompany them even though they both knew she didn't like Wizkid's songs but she hadn't picked up.

They had gotten a VIP section on one of the top floors which had a nice view of the stage. Halfway through the concert, Fred realized why his friend wanted to come so badly. Isabelle, Josie's other friend was performing and Andre had a thing for her. Fred who had called Josie last felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.


"Please tell me that's not work." Andre said beside him

"No. Josie texted." He replied. "She says her phone was in her bag and she just saw the missed calls."

"Where is she?" Andre asked

Fred typed into his phone and waited a moment for her reply which made him frown.

The look on his friend's face clearly said he was as stunned as he was.

"You're joking."

"No." Fred replied as he typed a reply "She came for Izzy, not Wizkid."

That explained it.

He waited when he saw an incoming message from her and his lips twitched when he read it. He leaned on the railings and looked below them as he searched the crowd.

"What is it?" Andre asked

Fred glanced at Andre and back at the crowd below.
"She's here with Mia."

Andre's brow shot up.
"Mia." He said "Josie's Mia."

Fred looked at his friend.
"Is there any other?"

He ignored the look on Andre's face and sighed. He had to see her.

"I'm going to go." He said as turned around and placed his glass on the table. "I'll see you around."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't," Andre called.

Fred frowned
"No, thank you." He walked to the door "I wouldn't do anything you would."

He caught the smile on his friend's face before he left their section and went down the stairs before he was immersed in the crowd. He sent a quick text to Josie.

Where are you?

He waited a moment before her reply came in.

We're on the left side of the concert hall, the VVIP section.

Alright. I'll meet you guys there.

It took Fred a few minutes of browsing his way through the crowd before he found the VVIP section. He climbed up the stairs and spotted Josie in the almost vacant room. She sat with her back to him, eyes glued on the stage with a smile on her face. He was positive the smile wasn't because of the music.

He walked to her as his eyes scanned around her for Mia, the reason he was here. He placed a hand on her shoulder when he got to her. She turned around and smiled at him before she hugged him.

"Hey." She said as she pulled back "Sorry I missed your calls, was it something important?"

Fred shook his head.

"Ok." She said as she looked back at the stage.

He waited a moment before he asked
"Where's Mia?"

Josie turned to look at him.
"She went for a quick trip to the washroom." She said, "But it's been a while now, I should go look for her."

"No, don't." Fred said, "Let me."

"You sure?" She asked

He nodded.
"Watch Izzy perform."

She smiled.
"Text me when you find her."

"I will." He called as he left asking anyone he met for the direction to the ladies' and even though they answered, the look that came with their answer didn't stop him.

Wizkid had gone off stage, the concert was coming to an end yet he still hadn't found her. He took out his phone and texted Josie.

What's she wearing?

Her reply was almost instant.
A shiny dark blue jumpsuit. Short. Long-sleeved. Deep neckline.

Oh, for the sake in all that's holy, he didn't need a visual image of Mia in the dress, just something that would let him locate her easily. He got a higher advantage point and scanned the crowd and just like that, he was blinded when the light reflected off someone's cloth.


He jumped down and made a beeline to her. His hand grabbed hers and he twirled her around. Mia was caught off guard, her eyes widening as she was pulled into someone's arm from behind. She slammed into a hard warm body, arms around her in a protective manner. He was tall, really tall, her head barely reached his chest. She looked up only to inhale deep into her lungs.


Fred, on the other hand, was out of breath. Josie hadn't been joking when she said Mia's outfit had a deep neckline. It was so deep, her boobs seemed like that would escape from the corners.

Damn, her cleavage.

When she looked up at him and her smoky eyes and flawless made-up face met his, he sucked in another breath. This was Mia at night.

He had met her during the day and she was sweet, passionate, beautiful with almost no makeup on. Now she was a vixen. Full makeup on that in his opinion didn't change how beautiful she was without it and an outfit that could make men fall to their knees.

"You're not leaving my sight." He said as they just kept staring at each other ignoring everyone around them.

It was until the crowd began to move out, they broke out of their bubble.

"Let's get you out of here."

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