We Will Always Wonder Why Jin's First Thought Was "Escort Service"

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Okay, I'm writing this addition because ppl seem to be misunderstanding things and also I'm tired of the self-righteousness. 

1) Jin is not judging Y/N. He is surprised, yes, some Koreans find it surprising when they find out Westerners are virgins. But that doesn't automatically mean he's judging her, he lives in a different world.

2) It's great if you're a virgin. It's great if most of the people in your country are virgins. That doesn't mean people who aren't are bad. It also doesn't mean you are bad or something's wrong with you. The only thing that's wrong is if you stay or don't stay a virgin based on pressure from others and not because of your own, independent choice.

I've had several people comment, acting really judgey with whether or not they're virgins. That's an automatic mute. We're not here to shame other readers for their sexual choices (or things that might've been forced on them).  It's okay to be frustrated if you feel pressured to do things you don't want to, but it's not okay to lash out at people who enjoy doing those things and act like they're wrong.

"What?" Jin blinked, sure he had heard wrong. How did you not know how to dance at a club?

"I can't dance." His boss's voice sounded so small in that moment.

"You never learned?" She shook her head, shoulders slumped, like she was expecting to be chastised for it. Well....she could always learn now... "Have you thought about trying it out....letting someone lead you....?"

Y/N was tired of this conversation. It had been a mistake to talk to Jin about this at all. She had briefly been tempted by the well-intent in his eyes but she knew, at the end of the day, she was the smartest person in the room but would still get laughed at because of things like this. By everyone.

"Oh, who's going to do something like that, seriously, Jin. Who's going to have the patience to teach an adult woman how to club dance. Or flirt. Or make out. Or go even further? I'm not an idiot, why waste your energy when you can laugh and find someone who knows how to do it?!" She covered her face with her hand and sighed after her outburst. There was a long pause. And then of all the questions to ask...

"You've....never made out?" This was one thing Jin appreciated about Y/N's skin. He was always able to tell when she was embarrassed and the flush that spread across her skin answered his question. "You've....Y/N you don't have to tell me cuz I know this isn't exactly a work-appropriate conversation but...are you a virgin?"

She didn't answer. Which was an answer. Jin pursed his lips and blew out his breath in amazement and leaned back in the chair. "Um....wow. Uh....sorry.....I don't know what to say...."

"Let's just not talk about it anymore. I shouldn't have said anything." Before he could protest she left the office, presumably to get a cup of coffee. Jin's mind was reeling. He hadn't expected that out of his normally self-assured, confident boss. It was evidently a touchy subject for her.

He'd assumed she was offended there were no guys of quality interested in her but....

It didn't take a genius to see that she felt out of her element. And she was out of her element because she had no experience. He was sure if he asked her there was a high possibility she'd never even been in a relationship. And knowing how she could get when stressed or anxious....

She probably locked up.

It was probably best to drop the subject for now. But in his head he still mentally turned it over.

And he turned it over in his head that night too. And then realized he might know something that can help.


The next morning he knocked but strode in without waiting for Y/N's acknowledgment. She looked up, startled at how intently focused he was as he stopped in front of her desk and held out a small, white business card to her. She hesitantly reached out and took it, trying to ascertain what was going on. The card read Seoul Diamonds and just had a phone number embossed in gold.

"What's this?"

"This is a place I've heard of that comes highly recommended." He shrugged nervously. "I think you should give them a call. They can help you."

"With what?"

"The problems we talked about yesterday." Y/N's eyebrows hit the roof and she looked at him, tension filling her body once again.

"You want me to call an escort service?!" Jin was glad he'd closed the office door behind him.

"Only if you want to....I just thought it might be a safe way for you to get some experience in this area..."

"I can't. Jin, I can't. It's hopeless. The end." She tossed the card onto the desk, attempting to end the conversation.


"This isn't really a conversation we should be having...."

"I know and I know we're not close outside of work but I do give a bit of a shit about you...." His voice trailed off as he examined her body language. "Are you scared?"


"You're scared." This time it wasn't a question. "Actually, correct that. You look like you'd rather someone deep-fry you in oil and slit your throat than call that number."

"I mean....it does kind of sound preferable...." Y/N mumbled.

"They won't judge you." He said quietly. But receiving no response he sighed and shrugged. "It's there if you want to explore this aspect of yourself. I won't bring it up again." Y/N didn't say anything as he left, feeling slightly disappointed in seeing a woman like her allow her fears to control her actions.

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