Firsts (18 +)

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A part of Jimin was thrilled that he got to do these firsts with her. That no matter who she ended up with, he would always be the standard she compared the new guy to. He felt satisfaction in setting such a high bar.

"Take off your bra." To his surprise, Y/N didn't even hesitate. He leaned forward to gently kiss her stomach before unbuttoning her shorts and sliding them down. He felt her crotch area and almost moaned aloud at how wet it was. He felt himself twitch, wanting to be deep in her already, but this wasn't about him. It was about her. He tried to send those thoughts down to his second brain and hoped it got the message.

He pulled her panties down next, internally groaning at the wetness he could see, and pulled her down next to him, pushing her around until she was flat on her back and he had satisfactory access to every part of her that he wanted. He then stood up and slowly slid his shirt up over his head, revealing the toned muscles of his torso. It had been more toned in his younger years, when he'd danced regularly, but still looked good. He smirked slightly when he saw Y/N watching him and ran his fingers through his hair, giving her a chance to take him in. He'd practiced stripping with plenty of clients, so he was a natural.

He took his time taking his pants off, turning around when he took his boxers off, so she could get a full view of everything. And boy, did Y/N enjoy the view. She felt almost mesmerized, but determinedly kept her eyes upward when he turned back around and made his way back to the bed.

"Like what you see?" He teased, climbing next to and leaning over her. He supported himself with one hand near her head while the other slowly slid down her stomach. She nodded.

"No wonder you charge so much." Jimin chuckled at the compliment, his eyes turning into crescent moons, before he leaned down to take her breath away.

At first he just let his fingers explore, dipping into her wetness, getting her used to having another person touch her in a place so intimate. But he moved to the spot he was seeking and gradually began pressing a little harder and rubbing a little deeper.

He realized she was reeeeaaaally sensitive when she gasped and her hips came up, her hand grabbing his arm.

"Oh god." She whimpered and he grinned wickedly. He liked this. He liked this a lot.

"Mmmmm, such a bad girl." He sat back and brushed hair out of her face before moving down. "How am I supposed to pleasure you when you won't stop squirming." Y/N watched him, gulping, not sure what to expect now. He rested his chin on her thigh and his arm across her hips, pressing down hard and looking up as his fingers began to touch her again. At that moment, if Y/N could have described him, she would've said he looked like pure sex and seduction. But she didn't get a chance to even considering saying the thought out loud when she felt the pleasure coming from his fingers and tried to buck up again, Jimin firmly holding her down and making her take every rub and stroke from his fingers.

She didn't know where to put her hands....she didn't know what to do. But Jimin knew what he wanted and he made sure to drive her crazy until he got it....those sinful moans he'd been wanting to hear for such a long time finally spilled from her lips. If it was possible for him to get harder, he did. Her hand came down to grab the arm thrown across her hips but he wouldn't budge, and he made her take every second of pleasure until she moaned his name and came, torso raising slightly before she fell back onto the bed, chest heaving. Jimin grinned and when her eyes opened slightly to peek at him he held his fingers up and one by one sucked them clean. Then he crawled back up and kissed her so she could taste herself on him.

"Mmmmm, see how good you taste? Any man who got to taste you would go wild, my dear." Y/N made a small noise of protest, but he didn't know what she was protesting. "Do you wanna go further?" He asked gently, making himself sound unaffected but inside begging for her to nod so he could get some relief from the tantalizing sight laying in front of him. To his disappointment she shook her head and he felt heavy, realizing he really hadn't wanted to finish himself off. But this wasn't about him.

Y/N surprised him though, gently grabbing his hand, still coming down from her high.

"I need a minute but...can you show me?" Jimin was confused.

" you what?" He didn't expect the uptight and scared woman he'd met a couple weeks ago to let go of his hand and reach down, wrapping her hand around his cock. He fought to keep his breathing steady, trying to focus and figure out what she was asking.

"Show me how to return the favor." She mumbled, eyes still not fully open. Jimin gulped but nodded eagerly. Something was better than nothing.

When she was ready Jimin bit his lip and buried his face in the sheets next to her, clenching his fists tightly.

"Oh, god." Was it the best handjob he'd ever gotten? No. But it was being done by a gorgeous woman who he'd just made orgasm and who was kind enough to notice he had needs too. She didn't have to but she still took care of him, even though she was the client.

When he came it was with her name on his lips, as he imagined being in her and feeling her clench around him. She didn't need to know that. "Thank you." He said, after he'd recovered, getting up to clean them both off.

Y/N rolled over and snuggled into the pillows.

"Mmmmm, you can go." Huh? Their session was nowhere near over. Jimin sat on the edge of her bed, wheels turning, before she looked down at him and sensed his confusion. "I just wanna sleep, so you can go, it's okay. I'll pay you for the full session." With any other client, he would've been thrilled to hear that. But he felt disappointment. He nodded and slowly put his clothes on, hoping.....hoping for what?

That she'd suddenly get energy and want to go all the way? That she'd ask him to stay with her? That stray thought startled him and he quickly shook his head to get rid of it. She was a client, he couldn't think things like that. He told himself he didn't really want that and dismissed it.

It had been a nice session but he left her apartment feeling very down.

Because right as he reached the door to her bedroom he heard his name called and turned around, for a brief second hoping to see her motion for him to come back. But all she said was,

"Don't call me pet names, please."

"Okay....why?" He asked, hand on the doorknob.

"Cuz they're intimate." She said, before yawning and closing her eyes again. Yeah, they were. And he and her weren't.

And try as he might to ignore that thought, it kept trying to come up.

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