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"Hey." Namjoon said as both he and Hoseok entered the room, exhausted from their flight. Both stopped and looked at Jimin's still form, horror coating their faces. Hoseok walked over and gently touched Jimin's face.

"Who could do something like this?" He said, his voice taking on an edge of anger.

"A rich, homophobic racist." Jungkook spat out, standing up when Namjoon held his arms out and allowing himself to be enveloped in them. "I'm so glad you're here. Both of you." He said, hugging Hoseok next.

"What's his prognosis?" Hoseok said, pulling up a chair right next to the bed and sitting down.

"He's in pretty rough condition physically but he'll heal. The doctor's worried about mental scars."

"What exactly happened?" Jungkook sighed and launched into a brief account of all the events since the party, Namjoon and Hoseok's face becoming increasingly filled with horror.

"What the actual fuck!" Hoseok exclaimed when he was done. "Who the fuck does that?!"

"His step-father must be a piece of work." Namjoon said, shaking his head, trying to keep control of his emotions. He wished with all his being that he could finish off the men who had done this but that wasn't the priority. The priority was Jimin, followed by making sure he had justice and this was never allowed to happen again. He changed the subject. "How long have you guys been here?"

"We haven't left since he was brought in."

"You should both go back to the hotel. Speaking of which...." He scanned the room, just realizing someone was missing. "Where's Y/N?" Jungkook and Taehyung both sighed.

"She's somewhere in the hospital, trying to manage everything back home." Jungkook plopped down on the couch and let his head fall back.

"Manage everything back home?"

"Yeah, it's a shit show." Jungkook ran his hand down his face.

"She called the Korean embassy. She's trying to reschedule his shoots. She needs to get a hold of the other designer he's working with this season but the guy went to Tahiti." You could hear the condescension in Taehyung's voice. "And must've turned his phone off."

"She said something about the media too but I don't think I can handle looking now." Jungkook said, groaning. Hoseok quickly pulled his phone out, typed out something, then it was his turn to groan.

"What?" Taehyung and Namjoon said at the same time.

"It's all over the media in both countries. Your identities haven't been confirmed but that's only a matter of time." Namjoon pulled out his phone.

"I'll make some calls, see what I can do." He looked at Taehyung and Jungkook. "Go to the hotel and get some rest. We'll call if anything happens."

"I'll see if I can find Y/N." Hoseok said, dragging Jungkook to his feet and pushing both him and Taehyung out the door.

Namjoon's eyes kept drifting over to Jimin, him feeling a mix of anger and sadness when he did so. Jimin didn't deserve this. They weren't gonna let this go.


"Tae said you called the embassy." Y/N jumped as she realized for the first time that a form was standing over her. She had her laptop, tablet, phone, and a folder with documents all haphazardly spread on the seats and floor. It looked uncomfortable and, truth be told, her back was aching. But all this needed to be done.

She sighed and nodded, reaching up to rub her eye with one hand, only to slam it back down when her laptop almost slipped out of her lap and landed on the floor. It was Hoseok's quick actions that saved it, he gingerly placed it down next to her.

"Thank you. Yeah, I let them know. They're gonna see what they can do with the media. Jin knows, he's doing what he can too."

"I saw the articles." He moved some papers and sat down on her other side. She nodded and bit her lip.

"He's got nothing to be ashamed of but...." She looked like she was going to cry and breathed deeply, trying not to. Hoseok's hand came up and he gently rubbed her shoulder. "...there's a lot of stupid people out there. They believe stupid things. When he goes back to work I don't want him surrounded by people who are silently judging him. He'll pick it up on it."

"Are you gonna try to cover it up?" She shook her head.

"No, he already worries about his past history suddenly becoming a hot gossip topic. That'll just stress him out. I'm just trying to get it downplayed so it won't be considered a big deal." Hoseok chuckled but it had no mirth behind it.

"A Korean national was raped in a first world, Western country. I feel like that's gonna be considered a big deal."

"Yeah. I'm trying." She sounded beaten down.

"Hey. I know. It's okay to give you a hug?" She nodded and Hoseok wrapped her up in both of his arms and gave her a tight squeeze. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm just.....I'm just trying to take care of him as much as I can.....I feel like if I stop and think about it I'll lose my mind. I'm so scared for him, Hobi." He rubbed her arm soothingly.

"Me too."

"I don't want him walking around and having people whispering that he should've been able to fight them off. I know Jimin likes playing with boundaries and getting people to ask questions. But people will do stupid shit, like make him question whether or not he's a "real man" or act like if he was more "masculine" it wouldn't have happened. I don't want him dealing with that."

"Me neither."

"I wish I could take it all for him." Hoseok squeezed her again and slowly released her, unshed tears in his eyes as he looked in hers.

"Me too. We'll get through it, Y/N. And we'll help him get through it. However long it takes." She nodded and sniffled, revealing how much she was fighting to not cry. It felt like that's all she'd been doing. Trying to banish her emotions so she could plow through her exhaustion and do what she could to protect her boyfriend.

She felt so helpless and useless.

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