This Is A Lot For Her

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Appointment dates were open-ended as it would depend on Y/N getting comfortable with him. Jimin leaned back on the couch, openly studying her and letting his eyes roam her body now that everything was sorted.

"So what's supposed to happen now?" He grinned.

"Usually this is the part where I get grabbed, led to your room, and I fuck you senseless." That got a reaction out of her. He could see a bit of blood rushing to her cheeks but he bit back a smile. Making her too self-conscious would work against him. "But, for now, maybe it would be best to get to know each other a little better? I think you'd get more comfortable with me." Y/N nodded, her legs now curled up on the couch beside her. To his surprise she moved, laying back and resting her head against the sofa arm and propping her feet up on the other one, cup still in hand.

"What do your clients call you?" She looked over at him.


"You said they decide what you call them. So what do they call you?" Jimin had to think for a second.

"Like I said, names can make it unnecessarily intimate so usually it's baby or baby boy or slut, whore, cockslut..." Y/N eyes widened and she sat up slightly.
"What the fuck?!" He shrugged and gave her a reassuring smile and shrug.

"It's role playing. It turns some people on."

"Does it turn you on?" What a weird question. He shrugged again.

"My job isn't to get 'turned on', it's to get it up and satisfy the client." He used air quotes. Y/N looked uncomfortable so he cocked his head to the side a little. "I can already see that you're uncomfortable with name calling so we can skip that if you'd like." Y/N picked at her shirt before nodding and Jimin was curious. She seemed so held back from everything but the name thing had gotten a reaction out of her.... "You don't like using words like slut or whore?" She stiffened again before he saw her jaw clench.

"I have enough experience being called them so I agree, we should probably skip it." He was supposed to relax her, not get her worked up, so he changed his line of questioning.

"So from what I can see, and Jin mentioned something about this, you haven't had the best experience with men....?" He left it open-ended, probing. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"You know Jin?" He should respond in the affirmative. It wasn't best to keep something like that a secret. But Jin was worried it might shut her down, thinking Jimin was sharing details about their sessons because they knew each other.

"He walked me out, remember?" Not exactly a lie but he still felt it was wrong anyway. Stupid hyung.

"Do you want food? Cuz I do." She was dodging. She was also up off the couch and headed towards the kitchen. Jimin got up and followed. Truth be told, he was hungry. But he also had a job to do.

She was bent over in front of the bridge so he carefully placed one hand on the door and one hand on the counter, waiting for her to stand up and....she jumped upon realizing he was standing right behind her. He smiled, letting his head fall to the side. He knew how alluring it was, how women reacted. Y/N might not react the same outwardly but he was thinking inwardly maybe she was affected more than she let on.

"You know..." He said softly, letting his eyes flick from her lips to her eyes and back again. Her lips were plump and they looked soft, so soft, he couldn't wait to kiss them and hear the sinful moans he would make fall from them. "At some point you'll have to answer my questions or this is all pointless." He saw her gulp and had to bite his lip to keep himself from smiling any wider. He was affecting her.

She looked into his eyes for a second, then up at his hair, then back. When she spoke her voice was low but firm.

"I know. But this is kind of a lot for me and you need to respect that." With that his hand was off the door and she had deftly moved around him to inspect the rest of her kitchen for food.

Well....Jimin actually felt a little sorry for the man Jin mentioned had bothered her recently. If you were manipulative and looking to score then she would take you down a peg, that's for sure.

"I don't feel like making anything. Do you have any takeout preferences?"

Jimin couldn't remember the last time a client had fed him.


When he finally left Y/N had collapsed onto her bed and buried her face into her pillow, body shaking. That was a lot. So much. Every hormone in her body had been screaming but she had no idea how to get to what it was screaming for. Especially when he had startled her while she was looking in the fridge. She had been able to smell his cologne at that distance and it smelled really good.

But he needed to understand that this was a lot for her. She was sure he intellectually understood it but he couldn't....he couldn't feel things the way she did. He was so calm and self-assured, just oozing sex. For a split second she had considered kissing him, that's what he was here for after all, but she had instantly thought about all the ways it could go wrong and the temptation hadn't stuck around for long.

They had just ended up talking generally, he asked her about how she'd started the company and that had given her an opportunity to talk about other things she liked. Safe things. Things that helped teach her mind that he was safe, that he wasn't a threat.

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