Invitation Of A Lifetime

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It was a big deal, this invitation. It was an opportunity to expand internationally and an indication that Y/N's company was catching the eye of the global community. So, of course, Jimin was delighted to be by his girlfriend's side for this. Three days of parties and activities, organized by some of the biggest names in business, as an excuse to network and see each other in different settings.

Initially, Y/N was going to go by herself. There was stuff that required either Jin or Y/N to be at the company for the next couple weeks, and as much as Y/N would've loved to shove networking off on Jin.....she knew she shouldn't as the face of the company. Then, surprisingly, Taehyung had offered to come with her. His American publisher was thinking about organizing some events in the States and wanted to meet in person to discuss. He'd initially just wanted to do a skype session, but if Y/N was already going....she would need moral support right? Taehyung crashed at Jimin's place so much that he was practically a fixture. And once Jimin started spending more time at Y/N's place....Taehyung started becoming a fixture there too.

But Y/N had insisted if he wanted to cuddle with Jimin it needed to be before bedtime because as nice as Taehyung was, cuddles after bedtime should be reserved for her. If he wanted cuddles afterwards she usually tossed a pillow at him.

And, of course, if Taehyung was going then Jungkook was going to come too. He had made studying English one of his hobbies the past couple years and it was paying off. Not only did he translate at his parents' company, he'd started translating for Taehyung too.

So it was decided, Y/N would have company in the form of Taehyung and Jungkook. She didn't know Jungkook as well, but after Taehyung started stopping by she would run into him at the randomest times, usually with an obscure English question.

Sometimes she wondered whose apartment it really was.

And then Jimin had had a modeling shoot rescheduled and it was a no-brainer that he would come. It might be good for him too, it could lead to possible opportunities in the future.


It was the first time Jimin had ever seen Y/N in a dress and he was stunned. It was a shimmery purple, with a slit that came to mid-thigh. The straps were thin and the front dipped in a cowl neckline. He had been adjusting his cuff-links in the mirror, surveying himself. He figured since he was her plus-one and a model/fashion designer, he could get away with looking slightly more eccentric than her. His pants were tight leather and his shirt was white, with the top three buttons undone. If he moved just right you could catch a glimpse of his collar bones. The jacket was simple, at least on the surface. It was grey, with a slight shimmer on the back, and if you looked close enough you could make out the shape of the Blue Dragon.

It was Jimin's own work. He had been inspired when Y/N had dragged him to the National Museum on one of their dates. He hadn't believed her when she said she'd seen every exhibit. She'd have had to have gone multiple times to make it through everything! Apparently she did.

His trip was quicker, since she acted as his tour guide. He vaguely remembered studying a lot of this history in school but was less familiar with some than others. During his personal tour, the reproductions of the Four Guardians had really stood out to him. He'd gone home afterwards, doing his own research, and they eventually influenced the season this jacket was from.

Sophisticated. Korean. But not exotified.

His silver earrings had jingled when his head swung to the door and his mouth dropped open.

"Holy shit." He had whispered, slowly walking over and poking at the dress to make sure it was real. She had laughed. "I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress before...." There was a pause.

"I don't wear them. This is the first time in years." He looked up, noting her shift in tone. Y/N didn't talk about her past. He'd asked once and she had told him she wasn't ashamed, she wasn't trying to hide it, but she had dealt with her demons and didn't see the need to ruminate on them for the rest of her life. It was a part of her but it was not her.

He planted a soft kiss on her lips. A kiss that said, I don't know all the details but I support you no matter what. Then he double-checked his hair in the mirror and they were off.

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