Jin Has A Mean Punch

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One Year Later

To say it had been an easy journey would be an understatement. To say he was also completely healed would also not be true. Roy had received justice, along with his friends. But it didn't make everything right.

Y/N was determined to be by his side but she needed breaks too, and Jimin gradually got himself okay with having one of the others stay with him when she needed to attend meetings. And then being okay with being alone. He had started modeling again, released new seasons of clothing. He would lose himself in dancing, letting his mind just go numb and his body feel something he was in complete control over.

It had been hard to become okay with being around men again. He knew the people he worked with would never hurt him but he had this underlying anxiety around most men now. There was always a voice in the back of his mind, evaluating each situation for potential threats. It was a constant retraining.

But his laugh came back. His smile came back. And his desire for Y/N was not reduced. He had been so worried he wouldn't be able to please her anymore, that he'd be triggered and have a panic attack. But if anything, he felt the most powerful when she was under him moaning his name as he made her come. Only he got to do that, only he saw that.

They had taken a break. As Jimin began to look towards the future, he was grateful for Y/N's continual insistence on the truth when his mind would try to twist it. He had heard whispers, he knew some people judged him, looked down on him. Both for being an escort and someone raping him. At first it had made him so angry, so, so angry. It wasn't fair, it was wrong. They were wrong. Gradually, when he heard those things he reminded himself that Y/N didn't believe them and that's all that mattered.

But that was the problem. As wonderful as it was that she told him these things, he needed to tell them to himself. They needed to come from him. He couldn't go through life saying "this is wrong because Y/N said so." It needed to be wrong because he knew it was wrong. And he couldn't get that therapist's words out of his head, he was afraid of becoming permanently dependent on her and gradually draining the spark from the woman he loved. In the end, there was still a he and her.

Unfortunately, Jimin hadn't been that good at communicating his thoughts. To Y/N, things were getting better, he was coming to life again, and then suddenly he was leaving her. Betrayal. A poor Yoongi let a sobbing Jimin into his home, managed to piece together what was going on and what Jimin really intended to say (with help from Taehyung), and the next day both he and Jin paid her a visit (she'd taken a sick day) to explain things. It was all an enormous miscommunication.

That didn't mean they still didn't need to work through things when he came back. But he was coming at it from a healthier place, where he could be supportive of her again.

Now a year later, Jimin wasn't perfect. But most days he did have confidence. Most days he had hope. Most days, the whispers didn't bother him, he just rolled his eyes at the stupidity of people. In fact, it probably bothered Y/N and his friends more than him.

When he became strong enough to appear at those boring parties Y/N was expected at (and was forever finding more and more excuses to not attend), a drunk former client had made an ignorant comment. The man found himself on the floor with a bloody nose, Jin standing over him with fury written all over his face.

"Anyone else wanna spew bullshit?!" He'd spat out, looking around. "Huh?! How about I go steal all your stock portfolios?! The police'll probably let me off, after all you tempted me by having money! If you can't protect your money you should lose it, are those the rules now?!" Silence. He'd stormed out, shaking in anger, Namjoon hurrying after him to calm him down and Hoseok just standing over the idiot who had opened his mouth. He didn't need to say anything, his glare was intimidating enough for that man to never say anything again.

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