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When Jimin was healed enough to be moved, they all flew back to Seoul. It was a mess at the airport and Jimin had to keep from panicking as reporters shouted questions at him, but he had Y/N on one side, her arm around his waist, and Taehyung on the other, his arm around his shoulders. He put his head down and just ignored the shouts. Taehyung and Y/N both nodded politely, but got him to a car and out of the airport as quickly as possible.

It could've been a bigger story, plenty of people knew a Korean had been attacked in America and it had been reported it was Jimin. Him, Y/N, and their friends flying there definitely caught eyes with their profiles being so public. But it was neither confirmed or denied, they just let the public speculate. And eventually they got bored and turned to something else.

Y/N took several weeks off of work, doing what work she could from Jimin's home. Jimin had been a toucher before but now he was absolutely clingy, panicking if he woke up and she'd stepped into the bathroom. He was scared if he woke up and she wasn't there that he would be in the middle of it again, that he would be powerless again. As long as she was there he could reassure himself his mind wasn't playing tricks, it couldn't tell him he was under attack.

They both went to see a therapist, Y/N wanting advice on how to handle this new dynamic to their relationship.

"It's important you work towards healing as much as possible and processing your trauma." The therapist had said to Jimin. "You can't overrun her life or let her become a crutch for you." Y/N had squeezed his hand.

"Ma'am, it's only been a couple weeks." The therapist nodded.

"I understand. There is a lot to sort out now. But I mean down the road. He can't end up using you as an emotional balm. It'll just result in co-dependency and that will be toxic for both of you. If one day it didnt work out and you decided to leave he needs the ability to cope on his own...."

"Leave?!" Jimin's head had shot up, the panic rising in his voice. He instantly felt his heart rate increase, blood pumping in his temples. he didn't want her to leave....

"Breathe with me, love. I got you. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." It felt like he'd spaced out for a couple seconds, when he came back to reality he was hyperventilating, Y/N had his head between her hands and was talking him through breathing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize that was a trigger point." The therapist had apologized profusely afterwards.

"We didn't either." Y/N said, helping Jimin shakily stand.

"I was just trying to...."

"I understand and I share your concern. Co-dependency is toxic. But I don't think we're at the point where it's something we need to worry about."

In the car, Y/N's newly hired driver started it up and began driving towards Jimin's place. Jimin had a death grip on her hands and still seemed to be slightly panicky.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't act like this, but please don't leave me...."

"Hey, hey, hey. Shhhhh." Y/N had used her free hand to run her fingers through his hair soothingly. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving. Never." Jimin looked at her.

"How do you know?" He asked seriously, for a second not looking as vulnerable as she knew he was inside.

"Because I decided not to." She said simply, enjoying the feel of how silky his hair was.

" don't know the future....what if you get tired of this....of me....what if...." Y/N's hand dropped from his hair and she pressed a finger to his lips, frowning.

"Jimin, where's this coming from? What's making you think this way?" He swallowed and looked away and Y/N went quiet. This wasn't simply Jimin needing to feel safety and security. There was something else.

"I....I just.....I couldn't protect myself...." He stopped.

"Why do you think that would make me want to leave you?" He swallowed again, still not looking at her. Fidgeting.

"I wasn't strong enough." He finally said. "I'm not strong enough prevent something like that....I'm weak....girls don't like weak guys.....why would you want to be with someone who can't even protect himself? You - you always protect me. Someone else always needs to get involved...." He felt her squeeze his hand and stopped, trying to blink back tears. "When do you get tired of taking care of me?" He finally whispered and looked up at her. Fear was clearly written across his face and it broke Y/N's heart. She said nothing at first, just pulled him into a tight hug. He clung to her, voicing his last fear. "What if I....what if I can't make you feel how I used to? What if I'm too traumatized to satisfy you?"

"Jimin, have you ever thought about the odds when you're attacked?"


"I mean....when you think about it. As far as I know, whenever I've had to intervene, you are vastly outnumbered. That doesn't mean you're weak. It means you're strong enough that bullies feel the need to cheat to overpower you. Roy had to have four other people with him and you still knocked one out. Five guys, Jimin. It took five guys to overpower you." She kissed his neck and he shivered, closing his eyes, wanting to believe....wanting to believe so bad.... "Even if that wasn't true. Even if it took one person to overpower you. It doesn't mean you're weak. There are different types of strength. Anyone who bullies, anyone who overpowers someone else, they're weak. So weak they need to find someone physically weaker than them. There is nothing less strong than that." She pulled back, gently rubbing his cheek. "There's nothing wrong with receiving help. I know it's been awhile but remember how we met?" Jimin smiled slightly, despite how sad he felt inside.

"You needed help." He said, knowing what point she was trying to make.

"Yeah." She kissed his cheek. "Relationships aren't a game to me. It would take a lot for me to leave you and this is nowhere near the threshold."

"What would be near the threshold?" He asked, afraid of the answer.

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