Epilogue: Good-bye, Nicole

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Jimin wasn't the only one growing, healing, Y/N did plenty of her own too. She had to learn to let Jimin go. She had to learn she couldn't save him, he needed to save himself. Not talking to the man she loved while he sorted his shit out had been very difficult. But she did it.

And finally took care of a problem she'd been having for a long time.

It shouldn't have been a big deal. Y/N hadn't told Nicole about Jimin. She was afraid of the probing questions that would attempt to rip Jimin apart before her eyes, of being constantly asked for details about their sex life, so she just did what she always did. Let Nicole talk.

The problem was that Nicole, as a close friend of Y/N's, had the code to Y/N's apartment. She always warned Y/N before coming over, but one time Y/N hadn't checked her phone. She was sitting on the kitchen counter while Jimin cooked dinner, shirtless and occasionally teasing Y/N by looking at her and licking his lips. They'd only recently started having sex again and he was so relieved at how things were working out.

They had both been laughing and didn't hear the code being punched in. Both their heads whipped to the door, Jimin's forehead crinkled, wondering who the hell was coming in.

"Hey, why didn't you.....oh." Nicole had been removing her shoes but stopped and froze when she looked up. "Oh....uh.....maybe I shouldn't crash here tonight....." She kept staring at them and Y/N had a guilty look on her face. Nicole straightened and pointed at Jimin. "Who's the hottie?"

"Jimin." He had nodded his head, annoyed that he was not being addressed.

"Okay.....and.....what's he doing here?"

"He's making dinner." Y/N said simply.

"I didn't realize the reason you'd stopped going out was because you'd found hot dick." She had looked Jimin up and down. "I might have to switch from military guys to...."

"He's my boyfriend." Y/N cut her off, annoyance in her voice now. Nicole's eyes widened.

"And you didn't tell me this why....."

"You're looking at him like a steak, that might have something to do with it...."

Nicole had apologized and ended up staying for dinner, taking the time to talk to Jimin, who had gone and put a shirt on. Y/N was relieved, things hadn't gone as badly as she'd thought they'd would. Or so she thought.

Jimin said he wanted a break and in the wake of dealing with the unnecessary heartbreak of a miscommunication, Nicole wanted all the details. Did he have hot friends? How big was his dick? How good was his tongue? Where had they met? Also, why would he go for someone like Y/N?

Y/N had rolled her eyes at all the questions until the last one. The last one hurt. Nicole always assumed guys would go for her, Y/N's unwillingness to be flirty usually led to that assumption being proved. But why act like Y/N wasn't a catch? What kind of a friend did that?

Why wouldn't he go for someone like me?

And that was the end of that. Nicole acted like Y/N was the problem for replying with that question and Y/N just never responded after that.

Miraculously, a lot of the self-doubt she'd struggled with in the past disappeared along with Nicole.


"Happy birthday." Y/N smiled and hummed into Jimin's kiss, sleepily reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. She always liked how soft it felt.

"Thank you." Jimin pulled back and laid down again, intertwining his legs with hers. He softly touched her face, just staring at it, and she blushed.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back.

"I need to thank Jin for enabling you to take the day off today." He continued whispering. She smirked but it was light-hearted.

"That man works too hard."

"You should stop giving him bonuses. Demotivate him." She sighed and shook her head, rolling to lay on her back. Jimin followed her, resting his cheek on her shoulder and humming when her fingers gently scraped down his back.

"You're so strong." She said suddenly, her thoughts having taken off in another direction.

"So are you." He kissed her shoulder.

Maybe Jimin couldn't take on five guys at once and win. But when he faced a problem, he squared his shoulders and tackled it. He asked for help when he needed it. And Y/N was convinced that was the strongest a human being could be.  That's what true strength was.

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